Where do I find more information on Asset Libraries?

Just trying to figure out how to use the asset libraries. I don't see any documentation on them. How do I group assets into an asset library?


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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Brandon-

    Asset Libraries are one of our many entities you can enable via the Site Preferences for your Shotgun site.  Out of the box, Asset Libraries don't have many fields, but I'd recommend setting up an Asset-type multi-entity field so that you can link your Assets to the Asset Libraries.  Studios use and name these differently, but you might see something like this at an animation facility:

    Asset Library Name: Vehicles

    Assets: Car1, Car2, Motorcycle1, Bike1, etc.

    The idea with these entities is to group similar Assets and then track relevant information on the library itself.  If you end up using these, be sure to report back and let us know any feedback on what worked, what didn't work!



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    Chris Long

    I created a multi entity field in my "assets" to link to the "asset library". Was this the correct way round of linking that you describe?

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    Stephen Chiu

    Chris, would an Asset within a project need to belong to multiple Asset Libraries? If not, then this could probably exist as an Entity field (as opposed to a Multi-Entity field). A benefit with sticking to an Entity field is you can reveal Asset Library fields in your Asset pages via the Linked Fields section when you're inserting a column. You wouldn't be able to do this with a Multi-Entity field. 

    You can then configure the Asset Library detail page to have a new tab for Assets, which will show all Assets that are linked to this Asset Library. And you can configure your Asset detail pages to reveal information about its linked Asset Library.

    Let us know if you have any questions about implementation!

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    Cam Langs

    Could I make a suggestion about asset libraries and the asset detail pages?

    Could we make the relationship of asset-->asset library, similar to shot-->sequence

    Currently there are 2 dropdowns on a shot detail page 'sequence' and 'shot'. Picking the sequence filters the shots for a given sequence. A nice touch when you empty shot ('--') and you are taken to the sequence detail page.

    On the asset detail page there 2 dropdowns. The first is 'type' (a field on asset), the suggestion would be to change this to 'Asset Library'. It is a subtle change but I think more in keeping with the SG way.

    The reversal which perhaps demonstrates.......there is no need for sequence to be it's own entity - it could simply be a field on all shots. One could then group shots by field sequence.

    It's OK but the other way feels better.

    Let me know what you think.






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    Ben Hadden


    I think that totally makes sense.  We'll be building some tools in an upcoming release that will allow you define the hierarchy of your entities and then browse them via some new UIs.  Hopefully that will give you the flexibility to set this up with the Asset <-> Asset Library relationship.  We'll be sure to share these ideas in an upcoming webinar--thanks for your patience in the meantime!

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    Juanmaria Garcia Roy

    Is this already implemented? Any news about it? Thank you very much

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