Versions linking to projects

When linking versions to an existing playlist, it shows me all project's playlist instead of only the project associated with the versions.


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    Stephen Chiu

    Hey Jamison,

    Currently, we don't yet support adding versions across projects into a single playlist. We do have a feature ticket for this as we've had several studios request this (Ticket #11725). Can you clarify where you're seeing cross-project playlists available for linking to a version? Feel free to reach out directly to support@shotgunsoftware.com if you want to send page details, etc.


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    Cam Langs

    Hi Stephen,

    I think you are looking for use cases (ignore the rest of the post if I have misread). Below are 3 bona fide use cases that have come up in the last month.

    1. Element library

    Our element library is another project in SG. Recently our comp sup made a playlist of smoke selects for compers to use on our project. He could add them to a playlist in the current project but when he navigated to the detail page it looked empty. Our work around was to make a copy of all the selected versions from the element library, changed their project from 'element library' to the current project (let's call it 'Robots vs. Ninjas'). Then we made a playlist of the copies in 'Robots vs. Ninjas'. It works but cloning data isn't terribly elegant.

    2. Sharing ideas between projects

    Say someone has done look dev on a robot in 'Robots vs. Ninjas'. We might want to put that in a playlist in 'Top Gun 2' as reference for a cool metal shader.

    3. Sequels

    We have worked on films in a series, often replicating effects done in a previous film. Often we need to include a version from the previous film as reference in a playlist (look at a shot the director liked in iron man 1 when working on a similar angle for iron man 2). For this we used the same workaround as the first case.

    Hope this helps,


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