Assign a shot to a person


Is it possible to assign a whole shot, not just a task to a person? I'd like to assign a shot to someone then when something changes about the whole shot (not just the tasks) the person is emailed. Much like when you assign a task to someone, they get emails about changes to that task.





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    Lucy Lawson-Duckett

    I agree! You can assign a sequence to a person but the option isn't there for a shot. I am also wondering how to assign a shot to more than one episode to allow for re-use.

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    Lucy Lawson-Duckett

    I think you have to add it in as an entity in the fields section but it wont seem to let me add anymore fields to the shot section.

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    Lucy Lawson-Duckett

    Maybe its better that you can't do that so that you can assign multiply stages of the shot to multiply people. I guess I'm thinking of it in a way that means you bulk assign shots to a person at one stage then bulk assign it to another. Better to use tasks I guess!

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Lucy and Dave,

    The best practice in Shotgun for assigning a Shot or Sequence (or anything else) is to create a Task, link it to the entity (Shot/Asset/etc), then assign that Task to a person.  There is a field on Shot called "Cc", which we use to gather people who should get emailed regarding updates to Tasks, Versions, or Notes on the Shot (but not updates to the Shot just yet).  We're exploring ways of allowing people to following various entities in Shotgun (a la Twitter), but we're a few releases away from that.

    Are you trying to assign a Shot itself so people can stay up to date on it, or is this mostly for assigning the work to someone (but the entire Shot, not individual Tasks).  It sounds like you each have a different use case, so let me know more and I'll make sure we have a ticket to support this!

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    Ethan Ledden

    I realize shotgun is slanted toward massive productions. But it would be very helpful for smaller productions if you could easily assign shots to artists not just tasks for shots.

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Ethan,

    I can definitely see how this extra step can make smaller jobs a bit more cumbersome than they need to be. We have some tools that should help automate the creation of Tasks to speed the process up.

    First, you could create a simple Task Template that has a single Task in it (like something called Shot Work). Then when you create the Shots for your Project, simply specify that Task Template, and a single Task will be created for each Shot. From there you can make your single assignments to each individual Shot from a Task page.

    I realize this still keeps you within the Task framework, however this will allow you to keep a single place for where assignments are made, and still be able to make use of many of the key features built around Tasks like My Tasks and scheduling in the gantt. 


    Let us know if  you think that will help!

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