Entities Fields: Adding, Removing, Renaming

Let's say I just created a new Field for the Asset entity.

I called that Field as "My Own Custom Field". And I chose "File/Link" as its Field Type.

Later I decided to rename this "My Own Custom Field" field to something more meaningful: "Path to local frames" for example.

How can the custom Entity's fields be  renamed, edited or deleted.

How to query the Type of the Field after it was created (to verify the field stores the Number and not the Text for example)?




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    Stephen Chiu

    Hey there!

    • How can the custom Entity's fields be  renamed, edited or deleted.

    As an Admin, you're able to right-click on any column header while in List view and select the option to "Configure Field..." You'll be able to rename the field name, edit the field type or delete the field in this field configuration window. Note that some field types cannot be changed to another field type due to database constraints. In this case, you will need to delete the field and create a new one.  Note that you will need to migrate any data in the old field yourself via the API or by export / import. More details and a video tutorial can be found here:


    • How to query the Type of the Field after it was created (to verifythe field stores the Number and not the Text for example)?

    In the top Global Navigation in Shotgun, you'll find the Admin menu item, where you're able to access the Fields page. Here you can drill down the results by filtering down on Entity Type (e.g. Asset, Shot, Custom Entity, etc.) and then by Data Type (e.g. Text, Date, Number, List, etc.)

    Let us know if you any further questions about this!

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    Terrific! Thanks Stephen, it is all clear now.

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    I see the new Entities (such as Shots) created with all the fields defined in that Entity' Template used.

    So if I have added some custom Field to the Shot Template My_Cool_Shot_Template (let's say I added the field called as "FPS" storing a number value) .

    And I I create a New Shot using this My_Cool_Shot_Template as a Shot Template then a new shot is created with the FPS custom field (not yet filled with the data).

    How can I make this FPS field to be visible (or to be displayed) on Shot Page? Every time I create an new project it resets all the displayed fields in the Properties pages to default. I have to go to Design Mode for each Entity type and modify it to what I want it to be. I am sure there is a way to tell Shotgun to use the same Property Page for each new project created for each new Entity made. Where are those controls?

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    Stephen Chiu

    Hey Sputniks!

    Here's a few scenarios that may apply to your inquiry:

      1. Once you've modified a "Shots" navigation page to your liking, you're able to push that configuration out to the Template Project, which is the default project template used when creating new projects. You can access that feature by clicking on the gear icon visible to the far right of your Project navigation bar and choosing "Push Project Configuration..." which will bring up the following screen (NOTE: in Shotgun 3.0, you have more control over what layouts get pushed out):Push_Project_Config.jpg
      2. You can also configure the Default Layouts for all the entity types. That way, anytime you create a new Shots Page, Tab or Widget, you're pulling from these default layouts. This can be managed by going to the Admin > Default Layouts > Shot > Shot List page and saving your layout there. More details can be found in this support document: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/108902-managing-global-default-layouts-for-pages-forms-and-tabs
    Let us know if this helps solve your questions!
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