Possible to use same pipeline step for different entities?

We're attempting to automate more of our submittal process and we're filtering tasks by user and pipeline step to then edit the status etc, however it appears that Pipeline Steps are unique to entities (ie Scene, Sequence and Shot have to have their own "Animation" Pipeline step which obviously means they have different id's).

Obviously I could just run a loop and gather the correct information, or filter the input more to gather what type of scene the animator is doing, but it would save time if we could use the same Pipeline Step for different entities, so the same 'Animation' step for scene, sequence and shot.



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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Lee,

    We've heard this request and totally see how this would simplify things for you.  We have an internal feature request to allow for this, but it's a fairly significant change that will take some time to test/develop, so probably not a this year thing.  If you run into any other instances where allowing entities to share a Pipeline Step, let us know so we can add them to our list.

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