URL Substitution for Project's fields

I'm trying to create an URL on an existing project passing the code of the project as an URL parameter, something like this:
In 2.x version of Shotgun GUI it works perfectly but in new 3.x version it doesn't work, an error is shown on a FireBug console: "schema_fields is undefined". I think that is because it doesn't find the correct Project to substitute the "code".
I tested it with another fields like "name" or "id" and I got values for the current user, not for the current project.
How can I get the project fields for an URL?

1 comment

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Raul, can you tell me more about what you're trying to do here?  The unique URL for your Projects should look something like this:

    https://yourSite.shotgunstudio.com/detail/Project/{Project ID} where the Project ID is the Project's ID number

    Will that URL format work for you?  Let me know more and I can help you get to the bottom of this.

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