Is it possible to recreate "assigned to" for shots

The field in the tasks seems to have the ability to set the Multi-Entity to a Person AND a Group but if I try to create a multi-entity in shots I am not able to select more that one type of entity to associate with the field. Is there a way to overcome this?


Tom Stratton


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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Tom,

    Currently there isn't a way to create your own polymorphic fields (multi-entity fields which can link to more than one entity type at a time). I can see how this would be pretty handy, so I've logged this as a feature request for the team to review.

    Have a Happy New Year!

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Tony,

    This unfortunately has not yet been implemented, and I don't have a current ETA. The feature request is on a ticket on our internal tracking system, which is #19835. We're investigating a way in which we can make such feature requests more public, so there's additional visibility on the overall interest in such requests. No ETA on that implementation, but it's something in which we're very interested!

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    Brandon Foster

    I will keep an ear out, good luck!

    Earth Shattering Kaboom

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    Brandon Foster

    Hey Tony,

    In speaking with our engineers, it's currently not possible to create polymorphic fields via just the Ruby console. If there's a specific field of that type you're trying to create, send in a request to the regular support line and we'll see what we can do to help.

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