See Dependencies

Hi there !

             First thanks for the splitting tasks, it's very nice for us ! I was wondering if there was already a way, or if it was on your to do list, to actually see the dependencies tasks. What I mean, is a column in which we could see the actual linked tasks. Let's say that I have a very tight schedule, and that I want to make sure that the rig is finished before I start the blocking of a shot. I would like to link the task of rigging (asset task) with the blocking (shot task). Right now I kind of need to create a search so that I can see those two tasks together and then linked them. It would be amazing to be able, from anywhere, to set the dependencies without necessarily seeing the other task. I don't know if I'm explaining myself clearly, but it's the same principle as MS project, and since you are getting closer to what we can do in MS, I was wondering if this was a feature coming soon.





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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Sabrina,

    Glad to hear you're liking our split tasks. If you link two Tasks together, there is an option to view those two Tasks together, even if you only see one on the Page. In this example, I have a Layout Task on a Shot that's linked to an Art Task on an Asset (which isn't on the Page). If I right click the bar in the gantt and choose "Dependencies > Show Dependent Tasks" I'll get an overlay that shows those two Tasks together. Is that what you're after?


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    Sabrina Gagnon

    Hello Ben !
    Yeah that I know, once the connection is made isn't the
    problem. Let's say I want to create that link. We would have a cell in
    which I can determine the link. You get want I mean ?


    I joined 2 pictures from MS project for you to understand what I mean.


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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Sabrina,

    Aha, I do see what you mean. There are fields on the Task called "Dependency Fields" that appear lower in the fields menu. You can use the Upstream and Downstream fields to connect Tasks on the same Link. However, if you're trying to link across different entities (like Tasks on a Shot to Tasks on an Asset), that's not supported out of the box. If you email support@shotgunsoftware.com, let them know you're trying to do that and we may be able to help you with a custom code adjustment. Though it may have to be a feature request as well.


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    Sabrina Gagnon

    Just did that thanks :)

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