Do tasks have to be linked to sequences as well as shots?


I am working through the All Tasks page and am having trouble getting it display the sequence the shot the task is assigned to belongs to.  Ideally I would like to sort tasks by sequence, then by shot number but all of my sequences fields are blank.  When creating tasks, do they have to be assigned to sequences as well as shots, or does it automatically pick up that information when you link it to a specific shot?






  • 0
    Sean McAlear

    Correction for clarity:

    I am working through the All Tasks page and am having trouble getting it display the sequence *of the shot that the task is assigned to*.

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    Astrid Scholte

    Hi Sean,

    You won't need to link Tasks directly to Sequences to display the Sequence connected to the Shot in which the Task is linked to. What you can do instead is display the Linked Field on your Tasks page. To do this, go to the + Fields Menu and scroll down to the Linked Fields area. Next select Link > Shot > Sequence. Please see attached image. This will then add in the Linked Sequence field on Shots into your Task page. You can also Group by this field in the same manner by going to the Linked Fields area.

    Hope this helps!

    Please don't hesitate to email support@shotgunsoftware.com with any other questions.

    Kind regards,

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