editing project info

Once I create a project, can I go back in and add or edit the information I have entered?


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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Cindy,

    You can. The best way to do this right now is to go to a Page of Projects, then load the fields (columns) onto the Page that you want to edit:

    1) Go to the "Manage Projects..." Page


    2) Load columns on the page to edit their info


    In the next release, we'll be making this even easier, so you can edit Project detail right from within the Project. Keep an eye out for 5.1 coming in June!

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    Cindy Levinson

    I think I figured it out. 

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    Cindy Levinson

    Thanks!  I want to add a production deadline to some projects but the field is read only since it's based on Phase Dates. A lot of what I need Shotgun for is organizing pre-production, is that available?

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    Cindy Levinson

    Update: I added the due dates to the project timeline but nothing shows up when I view my projects as a calendar.

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Cindy,

    Are you using "Calendar Mode" when viewing your Projects? That's a view we're actually going to be slowly moving away from in future versions of Shotgun, so I apologize it's causing some trouble. That's one of the reasons we'll be retiring it--it doesn't automatically show what's expected.

    How are you trying to view your Projects? Maybe I can help with some other views. I'd also be interested to hear your ideal view since we're thinking a lot about project scheduling for some upcoming releases and would love to get your thoughts.


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    Cindy Levinson

    I think an actual calendar to track the projects from prep to final would really help give us an overview of where we are, especially since we have so many going at the same time. The timeline almost does that but I was hoping there was also an actual calendar view we could use.


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    Ben Hadden

    Hey Cindy,

    Thanks for that extra information. A couple more questions for you:

    - Do you need to see all events across all your projects on one calendar? Or do you normally just focus on one project at a time?

    - When do you use the calendar? Is it during planning sessions? Is it to reference when important dates are coming up? Can you give me a couple examples of how you've scheduled with a calendar in the past?

    - Do you need to share this information externally, or is it mostly for your team?

    Sorry for all the questions! I'm thinking a lot about this stuff now, so your feedback will really help us determine what we do next.

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    Cindy Levinson

    Since we have several projects going at once, it would be great to see everything in one window to give us a clear overview. Basically, in shooting promos we have lists of what we need to shoot and what they are needed for. For instance, trailers for various shows, photoshoots, EPKs, multiple types of promos for tv or digital media...we're just starting up, so we don't have prior examples. It would be for our internal team as we prep our shoots.

    But let's say we had a shoot where we had a camera and two GoPros shooting at once. We'd want to upload the footage and assign the work to our editors. Since we don't work in animation, I'm trying to translate some of the information into our world.  I think it's doable, but it's a little bit confusing, :)

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    Ben Hadden

    Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for the extra details, that helps a lot. If you haven't already, I'd suggest reaching out to our team via support@shotgunsoftware.com to setup what we call a "tuning session". We'll be able meet with you1-on-1 to brainstorm how your workflow could map onto Shotgun. Sounds like you're trying to do some really interesting stuff! We'd love to be involved.


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    Cindy Levinson

    Thanks Ben. I actually spoke with Stephen today and it helped a lot, :)

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