email alerts customisation

Is there any way I can unsubscribe to notifications about updates I make?

I really like being able to get notifications about everyone's activities, but not about my own. It gets a little tedious when I'm doing vast amounts of updates or setting up a new project and I get emails about every single task or assignment I create or update.

This seems like something I should be able to turn off. Am I missing something?


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    Astrid Scholte

    Hi Flavia,

    Thank you for your question. This granular control on email notificaitions is now possible in 5.0, as you will only be notified in your Inbox of notifications that you have not made yourself. Please find out more about the Inbox and how to Follow items so that you receive notifications here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/23707153-Inbox

    The reason you're still seeing all updates and Notes sent to your email address is due to the old legacy notifications that are still switched on. To turn these off, head on over to your Account Settings (under your profile pic) and unsubscribe to all the legacy notifications. If you still want to be notified in your external email of notifications from the Inbox, you can switch these on as seen in the image below:


    Once this is set you will no longer receive notifications of your own updates, Notes or Version submissions etc sent to your email address, only updates, Notes and Version Submissions from other users against Entities that you are Following.

    Any further questions please email us at support@shotgunsoftware.com

    Kind regards,

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