How to see Cut Duration as timecode?

i see cut duration and sum summary as frames. but i whant see it in second or timecode format... how i can do it?


and the second question. i create custom field with summary, but i cant devide or multiply it to some float or integer number. 

how i can use math operations for summary in custom fields?

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    Hi Max. Are you using the (now deprecated) "Smart" cut fields? These have built-in calculations that only support frames, but we're working on a new official cut schema that will provide more flexibility, and will eventually be integrated into our review tools.

    If you need a Cut Duration field in timecode format, you can just create a new field (you might call it "Cut Duration TC") and set the field type to "timecode." That is probably the best option at this point.

    As for math operations in custom fields, unfortunately that's something we don't yet support, but its definitely a highly requested feature and is something we hope to implement in the future. There's a separate Feature Request thread for that one here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/45187-Calculated-Fields

    For now, you can use an event triggers or cron job written in our Python API to perform your own calculations and update fields accordingly. More info about event-driven triggers here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/44575-How-to-write-event-driven-triggers


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