Crew Planning - Extra info in the crew column

Is there a way of adding extra information (for example groups or tags) in the crew column on the crew planning column? I would like to add another field to help search for crew - for example ANIMATION full time and ANIMATION freelance.




  • 0
    Brandon Foster

    Hi Clare,

    It's currently not possible to add additional fields to the People in the Crew Planning app, but it's a great idea. If you like I can add this to our feature request forums, or if you prefer the request be in your own voice you are welcome to make a post as well:


    In the meantime, it would be possible to get the results you need (search for certain types of crew members) by utilizing the filter panel. If you click on the "Advanced Filters" button at the top of the page, you can toggle different departments visibility with a couple of clicks. Let me know if that works for you!

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    Clare Tinsley

    Thanks Brandon - yes it would be great if you could add it to your feature request forms.

    I will maybe in the meantime I will call the departments Anim FT and Anim FL




  • 0
    Brandon Foster
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