What is best practices for responding to client notes?

After a Client Review has been sent out through the Client Review Site...and the client has responded with notes...is there anything implemented to respond to those client notes that will be seen by the client?

Or is it best to collect all the client notes and respond via e-mail?




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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Todd,

    Thanks for writing in! Currently the Client Review Site is focused on getting work to your client and receiving feedback and - at the moment - we don't provide a way to respond via the Review Site. We know the collaborative aspect of review is very important though, and we're gathering info for potential development in the future. In the meantime, there are a couple options:

    - You could create a personal client user account and share the playlist to yourself. Notes you make will be seen by your clients.
    - Take the conversation outside of Shotgun (less awesome).

    We also have a feature request in our forums which tackles this topic. If it looks like it will address your needs, please vote for it and let us know your thoughts and individual use case in the comments! You can jump to the post via this link.

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    Todd Perry

    Thanks for the response, Brandon.


    Sorry for the delayed response.


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    Todd Perry

    Thanks for the response, Brandon.


    Sorry for the delayed response.


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    Johnny Duguid

    Hi Todd,

    Following up here - we'll soon be releasing Shotgun 6.3 - featuring a ton of highly request features for the Client Review Site. One of them is dedicated specifically to helping you communicate with clients more easily. With Shotgun 6.3, you'll now be able to reply to client notes with your regular Shotgun account from within the Client Review Site or anywhere else in Shotgun (e.g. - the SG Inbox, Detail Pages, the SG Review for iPhone app, and more).

    I hope that this makes your life a little easier! If not, let me know. :)


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