Automatically link assets of shots to sequences

Hi folks,

I couldn't find a solution to following problem:

In our project we have shots with assets, which recently have been updated (some assets have been added in every shot).
Now I'm trying to link all those new assets to the sequences (shots are already linked to sequences) and I think there must be a way to do this automatically.
Can I tell shotgun to link all assets of every shot of a sequence to that sequence (without duplicates of course)?
"Shot1_1" with "Asset10" and "Asset20"
"Shot1_2" with "Asset10" and "newAsset30"
"Sequence1" with linked shots "Shot1_1" and "Shot1_2" and linked assets "Asset10" and "Asset20".

The "newAsset30" should also appear in Sequence one, how can I achieve that automatically?

Thank you,



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    Will be interested to read the response-- I was just going to type this very question.

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    Andreas Isking

    Still haven't found a way, anyone with an idea?

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Andreas and Kara!

    Apologies for the delay in my response. There are a couple of options available to you here that may get you the info you need without the need to populate the Asset field on Sequences.

    The first option would be to create an Asset tab on the detail page for Sequences. Since you already have your Assets linked to Shots, and the Shots linked to the Sequence, it's easy to build a query to show all Assets linked to the Shots which belong to the Sequence. See the screenshot below for an example of what that would look like:


    This is a Sequence detail page where I've added a new Assets tab. The Saved Filter is looking for Assets linked to either the Sequence directly, or Shots which are linked to the current Sequence.

    The other option would be to create a Query Field on the Sequence entity. This will show you a count of the total number of Assets linked to Shots in the Sequence. Clicking on the field would then pop up a window showing a full list of all those Assets. The query field configuration would look like this:


    Let me know if you think either of those options will work for your needs here!

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    Andreas Isking

    Hi Brandon,

    thanks a lot for your answer! I tried both options, especially the new field with the Asset Count helps a lot. But actually I'm trying to find a way to automatically update the existing "Assets" field in the Sequences overview page. When I add an asset in a linked shot, it just wouldn't update the Assets field in Sequences. The funny thing is, that the new field Asset Count shows the correct number of assets, while the Assets field still shows minus one. Do you know what I mean?

    Thank you,


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    Brandon Foster

    Glad to hear you're finding those methods useful!

    There is no inherent automation via the Shotgun web UI which would be populating the Sequence record's Asset field, so someone is either manually inputting those values, or doing so via an automated script. Depending on the person entering the data, or the nature of that script, that could explain the discrepancy in the count.

    The only custom automation we currently provide involves the Shotgun API and the Shotgun Event Daemon. The daemon will watch for events being generated on your site (e.g. an Asset being added to a Shot) which can then trigger an API script to run and perform some actions. You could write such a script to recognize when an Asset is added to a Shot, and then automatically add the same Asset to the Shot's Sequence as well.

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    Andreas Isking

    Thank you Brandon!
    I think writing such a script would go too far.
    We just have the problem that sometimes errors occur when manually adding assets to a sequence. But with the Asset Count we can now at least check the correct number of Assets.

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