renaming or deleting a shot.

What is the situation on renaming a shot in shotgun after the tank directories for that shot have been created?


Can I cleanly delete a shot in shotgun, and delete its directories on disk without having problems later down the line? 


  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Rupert!

    Everything is being "baked" out on disk - meaning that even if you rename a shot in shotgun after you have created folders on disk, things will still work (but you will end up with different names on disk and in shotgun) - nothing ever gets magically renamed, since that in our experience tends to cause lots of weird problems.

    Deleting a shot both on disk and in shotgun and then recreating it should be fine and safe.

    If you are seeing any problems with this approach, do let us know!


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    rupert thorpe

    Hi Manne!


    Well I am seeing issues:

    I create a new project in the sg gui, and run the tank setup project to enable tank on it.

    I then create a sequence and a few shots from a python script.

    At this point all is well and I can see my new sequence and shots with thumbnails in sg. -I select the shots and right-click create folders. the directories are created and all is well.

    Then I delete the directories on disk, and delete the shots and sequence in the sg gui.

    I re-run my python script and the shots are re-created.  but now if I try and recreate the directories via tank i get an error.

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    Alan Dann

    Hi Rupert,

    Just to let you know that we have created a ticket for the bug you found.



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    Milan Kolar

    We are having similar issues as well but currently on the asset side. And it actually happened after I changed the bit of script that automatically replaces whitespace with - to be replacing it with _. After that Asset that had space in the name stopped working, presumably because tank is trying to find it in the review_lighting instead of review-lighting, which is the folder where the asset lived for the whole time. This results in two folders being created and maya giving error say 'Multiple paths cached for [Asset...] which match template. '


    Nothing we do helps to resolve this afterwards. Deleting and creating asset, deleting everything. Nothing makes a difference.

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Milan! Thanks for reaching out! And sorry to hear you are having issues! Let's fix those! I will create a support ticket so we can talk about specific details and then I can followup in this thread with the conclusion later on!

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Just a quick followup and an update: Tank v0.12.18 contains updates to ensure that Tank handles folder creation edge cases gracefully. Tank now also handles the scenario where a Shot in Shotgun is deleted and a shot with the same name is created.

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