Quickdailies vs Send to screeningroom

Hi Shotgunners, A common question from our artists is when to use the quickdailies and when to use send to screeningroom. Since quickdailies cannot be configured (as far as I know) to be sent to screeningroom. They just remain on disk and need to be viewed with RV. It would be nice if this could be configured, that way our producers (who don't have RV) can also view the quickdailies more easily. Are there any future plans for this? Since essentialy they do the same, but they are named different. Cheers, David van Heeswijk Storm Post Production Amsterdam


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi David!

    Thanks for bringing this up!  The Quick Dailies app is one of our earlier iterations on prepping review workflows and since then, we've also added the Review Submission app, which does support automatic uploads to Shotgun as part of Version creation so that the content can be viewed in the browser and without RV: 


    This is more of an API app, meant to be called from other apps and/or hooks.  So, for example, in the current default configuration, the Review Submission app can be run when publishing renders from Nuke, creating a Version in Shotgun for each that Screening Room can view.  However, this means that the Versions get created at publish time, whereas the Quick Dailies app lets artists submit content for review without necessarily having to publish.  Does this happen a lot in your workflow or do artists normally publish as part of submitting for review as well?  Either way, maybe it makes sense for us to update the Quick Dailies app to actually call out to the Review Submission app, as the Publish app does.


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    David van Heeswijk

    Hi Ryan,

    Well, it would really help if we can have the same configuration options in the Quickdailies to keep the file on disk or send it to screening room. We use the quickdailies a lot to let the artists keep us posted on their progress and if they like feedback on certain particular things. And it also keeps the constant growth of versions down. In Nuke you need to have a rendered sequence in order to be able to generate the quicktime to send to screening room. And the sequences eat up our disk space pretty quickly. Especially in 4K projects.



    Storm Post Amsterdam

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    Ryan Mayeda

    Ok great, thanks for confirming.  We will aim to have this update to the Quick Dailies app in our next sprint so look for a new version soon! 


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