Default sgtk install doesn't pick up shot/asset context with app launch


Very new to the sgtk but I've been playing around with it for a few days. One issue I can't seem to figure out is what I see when launching an app thru shotgun (say nuke) compared to what is shown in the nuke example video. Specifically, I create a project, sequence, shot, and task in Shotgun then launch Nuke from the task and open the Shotgun file manager. In the example video the file manager has correctly set it's self to the task context. For me I have to manually select the work area, the shot, and then the task.

The proper folder structure is created on disk when nuke is launched from shotgun so the launch app is aware of the context as far as the directory structure is concerned. 

I've tried it with a couple different default installs with no luck.

I'm using the latest tank app updates.





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    Benoit Leveau

    To debug the app initialization, I usually run them not from the Shotgun web page but from the shell.

    So in your case I would do: open the Task info page, then locate the Task id.

    Then in a shell, type:

    tank Task TASKID launch_nuke

    This way, you'll get the standard outputs in the console.

    Just my 2 cents.

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    Morgan McDermott

    Thanks Benoit, that cleared things up some. Interestingly everything works properly when running it thru the shell, but not from the shotgun launch command.

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    Morgan McDermott

    Hey Manne,

    Thanks! That was it! I was thinking being on the 'Tasks' tab was enough and launching it from the upper-right, of course now that I think about it if there were multiple tasks the launch app wouldn't know which task you wanted to load.



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    Permanently deleted user

    Hey there Morgan!

    If it is working in the shell engine, it sounds like everything is correctly set up. One thing to double check is that you are actually launching it from the task and not from for example the Shot. Some of the UIs in Shotgun can be a little confusing right now. Check out the attached image - on a detail page there are actually three menus, each one with a launch maya option. The ones indicated with red will launch maya with a project and shot context, respectively, where the section indicated in blue would launch maya for a task!


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