Quickdailies - {sequence} token?

We often send quickdailies to clients to show the progress. Now the quickdailies are saved in the shot folder. But at the end of the day it's a bit of a hassle to gather all the latest dailies in all the seperate folders. So I would like to setup a central folder where the dailies are saved. I tried using the sequence token to save the sequence name in the filename, but it doesn't seem to be supported. Or am I missing something here? Cheers! David van Heeswijk Storm Post Production Amsterdam


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi David.

    What is the error you're getting?  Any chance you can paste in the template definition so I can see all of it?

    My initial thought is that assuming you have a Sequence folder, you will want to define the {Sequence} token with a capital 'S'.  The capitalization is a convention that denotes the token as being based on an entity from the folder schema.

    For example, to test this, I changed this template to {sequence} with a lower-case 's':

    maya_shot_work: '@shot_root/work/maya/{name}.{sequence}.v{version}.ma'

    This gives me an error:

    ERROR: Could not instantiate an Sgtk API Object! Details: Could not read templates configuration: Template definition for template maya_shot_work refers to key {sequence}, which does not appear in supplied keys.

    But, everything works when I use {Sequence} with a capital 'S':

    maya_shot_work: '@shot_root/work/maya/{name}.{Sequence}.v{version}.ma'

     Hope this helps!


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    David van Heeswijk

    Hi Ryan,

    This is the error I receive in Nuke:

    Shotgun Error: App configuration Error for tk-nuke-quickdailies. It will not be loaded: tk-nuke-quickdailies: The Template 'shot_quicktime_quick' referred to by the setting 'movie_template' does not validate. The following problems were reported: The field 'Sequence' is part of the template but tk-nuke-quickdailies does not know how to assign a value to it when calculating paths. The code inside tk-nuke-quickdailies will populate the following fields: version, iteration, name. The current context (Comp, Shot SH001) will populate the following fields: . 


    I tried using the {Sequence} with capital "S", this works as long as I render to the Shot folder itself.

    What I would like is to render the Quickdaily outside of the Shot folder into a seperate Quickdailies folder that contains all the Quickdailies, so out producers can easily pick up the Dailies to send to the client.

    This is what I defined in the Template:

    shot_root: Projects/{Sequence}/{Shot}
    asset_root: Global_Project_Files/50_Assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}
    sequence_root: Projects/{Sequence}
    render_root: To_Scratch/{Sequence}
    quickdailies_root: Review/Quickdaily

    # review output
    shot_quicktime_quick: '@quickdailies_root/{name}_{Sequence}_{iteration}.mov'



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    David van Heeswijk

    This works beautifully!

    Thanks Ryan!

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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi David!

    Ah, I see what you mean now, where you want your template to go to a folder that doesn't have any entity schema associated with it.  Using {Sequence} definitely won't work then, sorry I led you astray there!  I tried your templates out, and I have new advice for you.  Here goes...

    First off, you will need to define another template key as follows:

            type: str
            shotgun_entity_type: Shot
            shotgun_field_name: sg_sequence

    Then, define your templates with this token instead of {Sequence}:

            quickdailies_root: review/quickdaily
            # review output
            shot_quicktime_quick: '@quickdailies_root/{name}_{sg_sequence}_{iteration}.mov'
            nuke_quick_shot_version_name: "{name}_{sg_sequence}_{iteration}"

    This means you will be populating your Sequence token based on a field from the Shot entity, rather than the Sequence entity directly.  While this might seem like a really subtle distinction, it's important here because the template can't figure out the Sequence from the folder schema.  But, since Shot is the 'entity' in your context, we can grab the 'sg_sequence' field from Shot to populate this token.

    Give this a try and let me know if it works on your side!


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Great, glad to hear it!

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