Extremely slow playback with tk-nuke-writenode


We are experiencing extremely slow and sluggish performance in Nuke (7.0v10) when having a tk-nuke-writenode in the script. It does not matter if the write node is disabled, the slowdown still occur. As it is now, we have to work without write nodes, and add them just at the end when it's time to render. Rendering is also slowed down by this. It must be the python callbacks for path/proxy that gets called every frame. Any idea how to solve this?

Best Regards,

Max Persson


  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Max,

    Is the slow-down caused because the cache isn't being used correctly?  e.g. the green bar on the time line keeps resetting itself every few frames when there is a Shotgun Write node in the script?

    We have a new version of the Write node app in QA at the moment that (amongst other things) fixes this problem and will be released soon.



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    Max Persson

    Yep, that is exactly what is happening.

    Great with a new write node! Will that also make it run in command line without requiring toolkit to be loaded (as I have read about somewhere)? Also, any ETA on the release?


  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Max,

    Great - the update should definitely fix that one then!

    ETA is next week - hopefully early in the week assuming nothing else comes up during QA.

    Regarding not requiring Toolkit when running in command line mode:  To get the full functionality from the node this is still required but we have added new methods to the write node app that will allow you to convert to/from regular Nuke Write nodes - this is intended to be something you could run prior to sending to a render farm so that Toolkit isn't required to render on the farm.  

    Adding these methods is the first step and at some point we plan to spend some time looking at the render farm workflow in general to see how we can improve things - suggestions more than welcome :)



  • 0
    Max Persson

    Sounds great, can't wait!

    We have a deadline next friday so an early week release could really help us out!


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