Hiero Clip Versions

I'ran the shot export from Hiero and have clips that are shotgun aware. When I create a publish a shot renders in Nuke. I get everything I expect to get except I can't switch the clip to the latest version inside Hiero, there are no errors tht I can see. Any ideas?

Steven Quinones Colon



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    Rob Blau

    Hi Steven,

    We just had an entry in our blog about this very workflow:

    The second image from the end (this one) shows the magic for setting up a track which represents the output of a Shotgun write node.  Once you have a track built from an export structure based on the same template as the output of your nuke write node (which has to make some assumption about the channel name in the node, the configuration image in the blog post (this one) shows some way of doing this... where the delivery channel back to Hiero is assumed to be "editorial") you can then use Hiero's built in mechanism for switching an item between versions.  This works because we match Toolkit's idea of version with Hiero's.

    For reference, the configuration steps taken to make the workflow outlined in that blog entry work were:

    • Update the tk-hiero-export template_render_path setting to use one of the publish templates for nuke
    • Make sure there is a corresponding entry in the nuke_script_toolkit_write_nodes setting so that you pre-populate the nuke script with a correct write node.
    • Override the translate_template hook so that there are known values for {name} and {channel} that can be used to find the rendered media


    Once those steps are taken, you should be up and running.  We are talking about updating our default config so that all this works out of the box.

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    Steven Quinones

    Great stuff. I'll take a look at it and implement it. Thanks!

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    Rob Blau

    Sounds good.  Let us know if you run into any issues or if more details would be helpful!

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