How to have a quick daily on both local storage and online ?

I need to have a nuke quick daily and be able to check it from our local storage and also via shotgun website


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    Hi John,

    Unfortunately the Quickdailies doesn't currently upload Quicktimes to Shotgun. This is definitely misleading in the docs and also something we want to fix! Currently the quicktimes are only available as local files. We've had a lot of requests for this recently and it's kind of a no brainer. it's currently in the queue for scheduling. I'll link this post to the ticket so we follow up with you as soon as it's released.

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    Here's a tip for how you can write a simple hook to upload your movie file to the Version in Shotgun for viewing in the Screening Room web player. Check out "How do I view my Nuke Quickdaily in Shotgun Screening Room

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