Since we've started using Shotgun Nuke's launching time has increased from 15sec without Shotgun to 50sec with Shotgun.
I did a check using this command line ;
\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334\tank" Shot EV118 launch_nuke --debug
Here's the ouptut
C:\Program Files (x86)\Console2>"\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334\tank" Shot EV118 launch_nuke --debug
DEBUG [00:28:21 497.99990654]:
DEBUG [00:28:21 500.999927521]: Running with debug output enabled.
DEBUG [00:28:21 500.999927521]:
DEBUG [00:28:21 502.00009346]: Full command line passed: ['\\\\VSERVER01\\shotgun\\shotgun\\install\\core\\scripts\\tank_cmd.py', '\\\\VSERVER01\\shotgun\\shotgun\\', 'Shot', 'EV118', 'launch_nuke', '-- debug', '--pc=\\\\VSERVER01\\shotgun\\shell_helix_P42334\\']
DEBUG [00:28:21 502.00009346]:
DEBUG [00:28:21 503.000020981]:
DEBUG [00:28:21 503.000020981]: Code install root: \\VSERVER01\shotgun\shotgun\
DEBUG [00:28:21 503.000020981]: Pipeline Config Root: \\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334\
DEBUG [00:28:21 503.999948502]:
DEBUG [00:28:21 503.999948502]:
DEBUG [00:28:21 505.000114441]:
DEBUG [00:28:21 505.000114441]: Context items: ['Shot', 'EV118']
DEBUG [00:28:21 506.000041962]: Command: launch_nuke
DEBUG [00:28:21 506.000041962]: Command Arguments: []
DEBUG [00:28:21 506.000041962]: Sgtk Pipeline Config Location: \\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334\
DEBUG [00:28:21 506.999969482]: Location of this script (__file__): \\VSERVER01\shotgun\shotgun\install\core\scripts\tank_cmd.py Welcome to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit!
For documentation, see https://toolkit.shotgunsoftware.com
You are running a tank command associated with Shotgun Project 'Shell Helix'.
Only items associated with this project will be considered.
- Found Shot EV118 (Project 'Shell Helix')
DEBUG [00:28:25 539.000034332]: Sgtk API and Context resolve complete.
DEBUG [00:28:25 540.999889374]: Sgtk API: Sgtk Core v0.14.48, config \\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334
DEBUG [00:28:26 957.000017166]: Context: Shot EV118
- Using configuration 'Primary' and Core v0.14.48
- Setting the Context to Shot EV118.
DEBUG [00:28:27 928.999900818]: Probing for a shell engine. ctx 'Shot EV118' --> environment 'Environment shot_and_asset.yml'
DEBUG [00:28:27 930.000066757]: Looks like the environment has a tk-shell engine. Trying to start it.
DEBUG [00:28:28 253.999948502]: Engine init: Instantiating <Sgtk Engine 0x034dbeb8: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>
DEBUG [00:28:28 255.000114441]: Engine init: Current Context: Shot EV118
DEBUG [00:28:30 519.000053406]: Successfully initialized PySide 1.2.1 located in \\VSERVER01\shotgun\Python27_x64\lib\site-packages\PySide\__init__.pyc.
DEBUG [00:28:30 555.000066757]: App init: Instantiating <Sgtk App 0x04bdd978: tk-multi-screeningroom, engine: <Sgtk Engine 0x034dbeb8: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>>
DEBUG [00:28:30 618.000030518]: App init: Instantiating <Sgtk App 0x04be1898: tk-multi-launchapp, engine: <Sgtk Engine 0x034dbeb8: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>>
DEBUG [00:28:30 668.999910355]: App init: Instantiating <Sgtk App 0x04bdd710: tk-multi-launchapp, engine: <Sgtk Engine 0x034dbeb8: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>>
DEBUG [00:28:30 684.000015259]: Init complete: <Sgtk Engine 0x034dbeb8: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>
DEBUG [00:28:30 684.99994278]: Started engine <Sgtk Engine 0x034dbeb8: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>
- Started Shell Engine version v0.3.5
- Environment:
- Running command launch_nuke...
Command: Launch nuke
---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG [00:28:30 691.999912262]: Importing python modules in \\VSERVER01\shotgun\shotgun\install\engines\app_store\tk-shell\v0.3.5\python...
DEBUG [00:28:30 858.000040054]: Creating folders for Shot 2144, tk-nuke
DEBUG [00:29:09 801.000118256]: Setting TANK_CONTEXT to '<Sgtk Context: Project: {'type': 'Project', 'id': 152, 'name': 'Shell Helix'} Entity: {'type': 'Shot', 'id': 2144, 'name': 'EV118'} Step: None Task: None
User: {'type': 'HumanUser', 'id': 51, 'name': 'Donat Van Bellinghen'}
Shotgun URL: https://nozon.shotgunstudio.com/detail/Shot/2144 Additional
Entities: []>'
DEBUG [00:29:09 802.999973297]: Running before launch hook...
DEBUG [00:29:09 811.000108719]: Launching executable 'C:\Program
Files\Nuke8.0v4\Nuke8.0.exe' with args ''
DEBUG [00:29:09 834.000110626]: Hook tried to launch 'start /B "App"
"C:\Program Files\Nuke8.0v4\Nuke8.0.exe" '
Nuke 8.0v4, 64 bit, built Apr 3 2014.
Copyright (c) 2014 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
DEBUG [00:29:10 341.000080109]: Exiting with exit code None C:\Program Files (x86)\Console2>We are running tank
[ 0:29.19] ERROR: Shotgun Error: App configuration Error for tk-nuke-writenode.
It will not be loaded: Context Shot EV118 can not determine value for fields ['Step'] needed by template <Sgtk TemplatePath nuke_shot_work: Compositing/Comp/Nuke/{Shot}/{Step}/work/{Shot}[_{name}]_v{version}.nk>
Disk cache C:/Users/nozon/AppData/Local/Temp/nuke/??: 3294MB (22% of 15360MB) used in 732 files.
So there's 9 seconds for initializing stuff, then the folder creation takes 39 seconds, then Nuke is started. I'm testing this at midnight so no one is accessing the network.
When I do a preview_folders in a shell I see that the toolkit is processing 3773 folders.
Our 3D TD has copied a lot of plugins/modules/custom tools for Maya inside the schema. The idea being that if we need to go back to an old project the tools for Maya will be the old tools, so there will be no backward compatibility problem at all. Those files are contained in a 'config' folder in the schema. So I added a config.yml
file containing this :
# type of content
type: "static" # only create this folder for maya
defer_creation: "tk-maya"
(I did that on a cloned pipeline 'dev' to avoid problems). So I redid the test :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Console2>"\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev\tank" Shot EV118 launch_nuke --debug
DEBUG [00:55:04 654.99997139]:
DEBUG [00:55:04 657.999992371]: Running with debug output enabled.
DEBUG [00:55:04 658.999919891]:
DEBUG [00:55:04 661.999940872]: Found file
\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev\config\core\templates.yml - means we have a localized core!
DEBUG [00:55:04 663.000106812]: Full command line passed: ['\\\\VSERVER01\\shotgun\\shell_helix_P42334_dev\\install\\core\\scripts\\tank_cmd.py','\\\\VSERVER01\\shotgun\\shell_helix_P42334_dev\\', 'Shot', 'EV118',
'launch_nuke', '--debug']
DEBUG [00:55:04 664.000034332]:
DEBUG [00:55:04 664.999961853]:
DEBUG [00:55:04 665.999889374]: Code install root:\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev\
DEBUG [00:55:04 665.999889374]: Pipeline Config Root:\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev\
DEBUG [00:55:04 667.000055313]:
DEBUG [00:55:04 667.000055313]:
DEBUG [00:55:04 667.999982834]:
DEBUG [00:55:04 667.999982834]: Context items: ['Shot', 'EV118']
DEBUG [00:55:04 668.999910355]: Command: launch_nuke
DEBUG [00:55:04 668.999910355]: Command Arguments: []
DEBUG [00:55:04 671.999931335]: Sgtk Pipeline Config Location:\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev\
DEBUG [00:55:04 671.999931335]: Location of this script (__file__):\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev\install\core\scripts\tank_cmd.py Welcome to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit!
For documentation, see https://toolkit.shotgunsoftware.com
You are running a tank command associated with Shotgun Project 'Shell Helix'.
Only items associated with this project will be considered.
- Found Shot EV118 (Project 'Shell Helix')
DEBUG [00:55:06 522.000074387]: Sgtk API and Context resolve complete.
DEBUG [00:55:06 525.000095367]: Sgtk API: Sgtk Core v0.14.48, config\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev
DEBUG [00:55:06 959.000110626]: Context: Shot EV118
- Using configuration 'dev' and Core v0.14.48
- Setting the Context to Shot EV118.
DEBUG [00:55:07 290.999889374]: Probing for a shell engine. ctx 'Shot EV118'--> environment 'Environment shot_and_asset.yml'
DEBUG [00:55:07 292.000055313]: Looks like the environment has a tk-shellengine. Trying to start it.
DEBUG [00:55:07 608.999967575]: Engine init: Instantiating <Sgtk Engine0x03404f60: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>
DEBUG [00:55:07 609.999895096]: Engine init: Current Context: Shot EV118
DEBUG [00:55:09 838.999986649]: Successfully initialized PySide 1.2.1 located in \\VSERVER01\shotgun\Python27_x64\lib\site-packages\PySide\__init__.pyc.
DEBUG [00:55:09 874.000072479]: App init: Instantiating <Sgtk App 0x04bbbac8: tk-multi-screeningroom, engine: <Sgtk Engine 0x03404f60: tk-shell, env:
DEBUG [00:55:09 933.000087738]: App init: Instantiating <Sgtk App 0x04bc0908:tk-multi-launchapp, engine: <Sgtk Engine 0x03404f60: tk-shell, env:
DEBUG [00:55:10 82.9999446869]: App init: Instantiating <Sgtk App 0x04bc68d0:tk-multi-launchapp, engine: <Sgtk Engine 0x03404f60: tk-shell, env:
DEBUG [00:55:10 200.000047684]: Init complete: <Sgtk Engine 0x03404f60: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>
DEBUG [00:55:10 200.000047684]: Started engine <Sgtk Engine 0x03404f60: tk-shell, env: shot_and_asset>
- Started Shell Engine version v0.3.5
- Environment:
- Running command launch_nuke...
Command: Launch nuke
---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG [00:55:10 207.999944687]: Importing python modules in\\VSERVER01\shotgun\shell_helix_P42334_dev\install\engines\app_store\tk-shell\v0.3.5\python...
DEBUG [00:55:10 365.000009537]: Creating folders for Shot 2144, tk-nuke
DEBUG [00:55:29 668.999910355]: Setting TANK_CONTEXT to '<Sgtk Context:Project: {'type': 'Project', 'id': 152, 'name': 'Shell Helix'} Entity:{'type': 'Shot', 'id': 2144, 'name': 'EV118'} Step: None Task: None
User: {'type': 'HumanUser', 'id': 51, 'name': 'Donat Van Bellinghen'}
Shotgun URL: https://nozon.shotgunstudio.com/detail/Shot/2144 AdditionalEntities: []>'
DEBUG [00:55:29 670.000076294]: Running before launch hook...
DEBUG [00:55:29 677.000045776]: Launching executable 'C:\Program Files\Nuke8.0v4\Nuke8.0.exe' with args ''
DEBUG [00:55:29 700.999975204]: Hook tried to launch 'start /B "App" "C:\Program Files\Nuke8.0v4\Nuke8.0.exe" 'Nuke 8.0v4, 64 bit, built Apr 3 2014.Copyright (c) 2014 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
DEBUG [00:55:29 970.999956131]: Exiting with exit code None C:\Program Files (x86)\Console2>We are running tank
Disk cache C:/Users/nozon/AppData/Local/Temp/nuke/??: 3294MB (22% of 15360MB) used in 732 files.
Now there's 6 seconds for the init, then 19 seconds for the folder creation, then Nuke starts. This is much better but still quite slow I think. If I do a preview_folders test in this dev pipeline is see that 'only' 344 folders were processed. Could I still improve this ? Could I somehow configure toolkit to only process folders related to the compositing step when I launch Nuke ?
In our case we have a multi-root setup, the primary root is for the 3D stuff, the secondary is for the compositing/editorial/grading/production stuff. Could I completely eliminate the primary root when launching Nuke ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Donat Van Bellinghen