Houdini engine mplay issue

Hi all,


We're getting a slight problem with the Houdini engine and were just wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar.

When we run Houdini using the Toolkit everything appears fine until we try to launch a Flipbook or run Mplay from within the gui. If we launch Mplay having not saved a scene it runs perfectly. If we perform a 'Shotgun Save As ...' or load a file through the File Manager Mplay will not run. We're also experiencing some strangeness in other areas, particular nodes not being able to run, loss of icons etc. but this is the main issue.

This isn't a problem if the HOUDINI_PATH environment variable isn't set but in which case obviously the engine/apps aren't loaded.

If anyone could shed any light on this that would be great. In the meantime we'll plough on and see if it's something we could well be doing.


Thanks for any help




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    Rob Blau

    Hey Tim, I'm going to see if I can replicate what you are seeing.

    Just to double check, what version of Houdini are you running and on what OS?

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    Rob Blau

    Hi Tim, I've tried to reproduce what you are seeing.  I've tried with Houdini 12 and 13 on both Linux and Windows and haven't seen the same thing.

    Does this always happen for you, or is it an off again on again thing?  Does it happen with a simple scene (I'm using pretty simple geo)?  Whatever details you could provide would be really helpful!

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    Rob Blau

    Thanks.  And since this is linux, what Python and PySide versions are you using (or PyQt if you are using that) ?

    Any more info about whether this always happens, if it happens on a simple scene, or any other info you can think of?

    My Linux test box is CentOS 6.4, and I was able to bring up mplay both before and after running Save As... (tried both starting mplay before Save As and after, both flipping images and listening for renders) all without issue.  So either there is something different between our setups (pretty likely) or something about the steps I'm taking isn't triggering the mplay issue.

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    Tim Chauncey

    Hi Rob

    We're currently running Houdini13.0.227 and we're on Centos6.4

    Thanks a lot Tim 

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    Tim Chauncey

    Hi Rob


    We've been searching all day to try and find out what the problem was but updating to the latest build (13.0.401) of Houdini seems to have fixed the problem. If we come across what was happening I'll let you know but for the time being we seem to be all fixed.


    Thanks a lot




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    Rob Blau

    Good to know that an update could help others who see similar issues.  Thanks for letting us know!

    Did the update fix the other oddities you were seeing (nodes not running, icons missing, etc.)?

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    Tim Chauncey

    Yeah ... everything seems fixed after the update. I'm really not too sure what the issue was but if we find out we'll let you know.

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    Rob Blau

    Good to know.

    Thanks again!

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