more than one templates.yml per project?

Hi support team!

Is it possible to have more than one templates.yml per project?


The reason why i asked this is because in our studio we have a typical pipeline for animation (which we successfully implemented with toolkit) but we also have another pipeline for still images, and most of the times the same project will require animation and still images to be created.

We definitely can reuse almost everything from one config to another except the templates.yml, and the main reason is because all the write outputs (write nodes, published files, photoshop files...) are being sent to video folder. Right next to this video folder (in the same hierarchy level) we have an images folder that we would like to receive all the output for still images.

Is it possible when creating a sequence and shots, that are going to be used for still images, to add in shotgun an extra attribute that will tell Toolkit that this kind of sequences/shots should use a images_template.yml?


Any feedback on this will be appreciated.


All the best




  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Bruno!

    Each project has exactly one templates.yml file but what you can do is to use include statements inside this file so that it actually assembles the templates listings from multiple files. This can be useful when you want to set up a global studio level config or simply want to be able to split up a config in smaller chunks!

    I have just updated the documentation about this to be a lot clearer and added an example. Check it out here: Administering and Configuring Sgtk

    Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any additional questions!


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    Bruno Guerreiro

    Hi Manne,

    Thanks for the tip, i can see how breaking the templates.yml in too smaller pieces can be useful. But it does not take care of my problem. 

    Maybe i  did not explain my self properly. For what i understand there are two main entities in Toolkit shots and assets (with their own specif fields and different ways to group), would it be possible to create a 3rd one, Images.

    I tried this build this new entity by 1st  creating a "Custom Entity01" in Shotgun, then i created i task template for it and a new list field to group them so i could get something similar to the sg_asset_type. The reason why i did this was because i wanted to copy as much as i could the Asset entity. 

    It did not take me a long time to understand that this change would require a creating a new environment...  

    Is this possible? if so can i get some more info on how to do this.


    All the best


  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Bruno!

    What you describe is possible, however I wasn't 100% sure if your still image workflow is a perfect fit. Let me try to explain!

    An entity on this level is often used to represent "abstract concepts" in a production such as shots or assets. When people add new entities to the configuration it is typically things like Sequences or Scenes. Mocap studios sometimes add Takes or Beats. Game productions add game levels. For each of these items, published files, review versions, notes, tasks and schedules can be added and managed. On the toolkit side, you can configure which tools to run and how the file system structure should look. 

    Hope this gives you a bit of background to how a custom entity works -- does this sound like it could work with a Still image entity in Shotgun? What sort of files would you publish to a still image entity and how do you see them being reviewed?

    Maybe we could set up a meeting where you tell us a bit more about the details of this workflow and we can try to recommend a toolkit approach? Sometimes these things can be a bit tricky! Let me know and we can set something up!

    Thanks for all your great questions and feedback so far!


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    Bruno Guerreiro

    Hi Mane,

    Thank you for the feedback! 

    I have searched trough all the current available entities in the hope that i would find something that would encompass our need to track, review, work and publish still images and there wasn't really anything specifically oriented towards this.

    The funny thing is that the final product of the 1st real project that we used shotgun/toolkit was 16 8k images! At the time we were still evaluating Toolkit/Shotgun and we basically just re-use the "Sequences" to group the images, and the "Shots" were the images itself with tasks attached to them.

    This worked great! the only thing that we struggled was how to efficiently review the "shots" (images) in the web screen room. We end up manually  uploading low resolution Jpeg´s in the Shotgun Media web page, then we would associate those Jpgs as versions of a "shot" and the artists were back on the loop with Art Director and even the clients with the client review website!

    Next project we decide to test Toolkit with a small animation, same drill but this time with video/cg. Everything was going great until we heard that the client had now requested, (for the same project) 8 5k images... This images were all coming from the same 3d assets, except they would be rendered in hires and they would have a more graphic/detail oriented treatment, but they would need their own set of tasks, revisions, and ways to group them... and shouldn't really be confused with the video "shots"...  We ended up not using Toolkit/Shotgun at all for these still images. 

    I understand that still images are not officially part of the repertoire of Shotgun/Toolkit, however this is possible and it can be awesome. We just need to find a way to make still images and shots coexist inside the same project.

    The meting might be a good idea, but to make it more productive i will need to get more feedback from the artists because not all of them have been fully using toolkit yet.

    If there is anything i can test in the meantime just let me know.


    All the best


  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Hey there Bruno!

    I just wanted to quickly ping this thread to let you know that we recently released Shotgun 5.4 - which includes improved support for working with high-res images! You can upload still images into Shotgun and pan, zoom and handle them at their native resolution. Hopefully this should simplify the workflows around the larger images that you are working with.

    Any questions, ideas or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out!


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