Shotgun menu empty in Softimage 2013 SP1

Softimage was launched from asset page. Following error is printed when clicking Shotgun menu.

# ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<Script Block 2>", line 52, in Shotgun_Init
#     engine.populate_shotgun_menu(sg_menu)
#   File "L:\2656.Hiszpanka_Film_VFX.Base\soft\SG\studio\install\engines\app_store\tk-softimage\v0.2.7\engine.py", line 126, in populate_shotgun_menu
#     self._menu_generator.create_menu(self._menu)
#   File "L:\2656.Hiszpanka_Film_VFX.Base\soft\SG\studio\install\engines\app_store\tk-softimage\v0.2.7\python\tk_softimage\menu_generation.py", line 45, in create_menu
#     self._context_menu = self._add_context_menu()
#   File "L:\2656.Hiszpanka_Film_VFX.Base\soft\SG\studio\install\engines\app_store\tk-softimage\v0.2.7\python\tk_softimage\menu_generation.py", line 109, in _add_context_menu
#     ctx_name = "%s %s" % (ctx.entity["type"], ctx.entity["name"])
# KeyError: 'name'
#  - [line 51 in L:\2656.Hiszpanka_Film_VFX.Base\soft\SG\studio\install\engines\app_store\tk-softimage\v0.2.7\resources\plugins\shotgun\Application\Plugins\menu.py]





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    Permanently deleted user

    Hello there Adam!

    I think you may have found a bug in our code! That name field is supposed to be populated all the time but it looks like it is not. I'll forward your question on to toolkitsupport@shotgunsoftware.com so that we can get you in touch with the relevant engineer to get this looked at!

    Thanks for your patience!

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    Alan Dann

    Hi Adam,

    I've just released a new version of the tk-softimage engine which should at least stop the error from showing.

    The underlying problem is more complex and something we are aware of but it's going to require some time to fix - the up side is that you shouldn't see any serious problems as a result of this but if you do then please let me know.


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