How to configure what kind of entities can i load in each application with multi-loader?

Hi, i need to know how can i load different types of published files in an application as nuke for example. i think i need to modify some hook files in order to let this application to load new files types appart from default ones.



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    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Abraham and thanks for your question!

    The loader is quite configurable and you can set it up in lots of ways. Essentially, there is a "frontend" and a "backend" part of the configuration:

    • The frontend parameters control which items are displayed in the loader. You can choose which entities (that's Shotgun Shots, Assets etc) to display in the left column. You can add add Shotgun filters here, so you can for example only show shots which have been approved. You can also loop in the current context, so you can for example only show assets which are associated with the current Shot that is being worked on. Likewise, you can control which publishes are being shown in the other columns, both using Shotgun filters and by setting the tank_types setting to tell the loader which publish types to show.
    • The backend is essentially a single hook which is being called when someone clicks the load button. You can see the default implementation here. If you want to customize how things are being loaded into an application, this is the place to make modifications! Simply copy the hook file into your project configuration (into the hooks folder), name it for example loader_hook.py and then change the hook_add_file_to_scene setting to say loader_hook.py instead of default (which tells toolkit to use the app's own default hook file)

    For more information about the loader parameters, see the configuration section in our app store docs! You can find it here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/95440067

    Furthermore, you may find this forum post useful too: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/95443458

    Hope this helps! Thanks!


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    Abraham Levi Borbujo Carrasco

    Hi Manne. 

    Thanks for your answer. Only one more thing. To configure those filters you told me in frontend, what can i need? I suppose need to change some config files, but which ones? Thanks.

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    Permanently deleted user

    These files are all inside the env folder in your configuration! You probably want to edit either the shot_step.yml or asset_step.yml file! For more info about how this works, check out the docs here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/95441317

    And as always if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out! :) 

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    Abraham Levi Borbujo Carrasco

    Thank you very much.

    Thats exactly what i need.

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