tk-hiero-export template_version entry.

Hello, I have traced an issue with loading SG export options to a null value in the project.yml. The entry named 'template_version' has a value of null and is causing the following error in Hiero:

ERROR: Shotgun: App configuration Error for tk-hiero-export. It will not be loaded: Invalid type for value in setting 'template_version' for 'tk-hiero-export' - found 'NoneType', expected 'template'

I have searched the other configs for a value which could be used instead, but have only managed to find a release note for version v0.1.11 (tk-hiero-export) which mentions having removed a default value.

What is the expected value for this entry?



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    Hey Robert,

    Check to make sure this is at the bottom of your templates.yml file (add it if it's not):

    # Defines how the {tk_version} token in Hiero gets formatted back to tk.
    hiero_version: "{version}"

    Then in the tk-hiero-export app settings in your environment make sure you have this line:

    template_version: hiero_version

    That's the default that should work for you. Let me know if that gets things working!

  • 0
    Robert Durnin


    For future reference, what threw the app and the show template out of sync? The updating process is arduous and I tend to avoid it, or limit it to specific requirements.




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    Hey Robert,

    I'm sorry you were thrown a curve with this one! The issue is that while we have a way to ensure we install good default values for app settings in your environments when you install or upgrade an app, we don't have a way to ensure that new template values get set. So we can add the 

    template_version: hiero_version

    to your environments, but hiero_version wouldn't be defined in your templates.yml and would throw a more confusing error. This is definitely something we're looking into adding so you won't run into this situation in the future. 

    If you have any other suggestions for making the update process smoother, please share them! What about the process feels most painful for you at the moment? We'd love to hear these things so we can improve them for you! 

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