Hiero - tasks and Associated Nuke scripts

Hello all, So in Hiero when we setup a workflow with steps, we assign a task template to our shots. Lets say, comp and roto. It generates all the folders according to the template. We also added the step token to our Nuke script template, so it carries the taks name with it. So in the nuke folder under the comp task, the Published nuke script is there. Like SH001_Comp_v001.nk. But in the roto folder, there is no SH001_Roto_v001.nk Am I missing something here? Or is there something I missed in the configuration? Or do I need to follow a specicfic workflow? Regards! David Storm Post Amsterdam


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    Rob Blau

    Hi David,

    The default preset for the Shotgun Shot Exporter only has a single Shotgun Nuke Project File defined.  If you want to export more files, you can build up the directory structure you want in the export window and add another Shotgun Nuke Project File task.  With that there, you should see the script show up and the corresponding publish in Shotgun.



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    David van Heeswijk
    Hi Rob, This is pretty hard to explain. Yes I understand that I can do this within Hiero. The only thing is, If we use the {Step} token in our template, it only automaticaly populates the step with Comp. In Hiero we assign a task template that generates 2 tasks for a shot. So it creates 2 folders with their structure. Because only the Comp scipt is generated, in Nuke if I select the Comp task the Nuke Script is there. But if I select the Roto task, nothing is there. So we should manualy create 2 structures in the Hiero exporter? That means that using {Step} in the template only generates 1 Nuke script. So if we use a task template with multiple tasks, it only generates 1 Nuke script? It does create all the folders, except for the Nuke scripts. If I understand correctly, the Hiero exporter can only generate 1 Nuke script with 1 step automaticaly populated. It would make sense, because how can it know what step belongs where? Or does the Shotgun exporter do a loop. Depending on how many tasks there are in the task template, it loops through the exporter and generate all the folders and Nuke scripts for every task in the task template. If we want more tasks, we would have to recreate the folder structure in the Hiero exporter and manualy name the Steps per task. We only have to make sure it matches our Task template in order for it to show up under the correct Task in Nuke. So if we select Roto as task the Roto Nuke script is there. Bottomline, the Steps/tasks work to a certain extent. Per shot we can only generate 1 Nuke script with a automaticaly populated {Step}. If we want more, we manualy create them and so basicaly discarding the templates. So setting a task template with multiple tasks does not generate more Nuke scripts. please correct me if I'm wrong. As I said, pretty though to explain ;-) Cheers, David
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    Rob Blau

    Hey there David,

    I get what you are saying, and your understanding sounds spot on.  Unfortunately we do only have the single toolkit template (not task template) driven script location so you do need to manually setup the structure for the other tasks you want to create a script for.  I did just do a release that provides some control over which task in the template the Step token will resolve to (it was hard coded to Comp, but now the default setting will link it up to a task with the Comp step but that is configurable), but that still doesn't get you multiple tasks.

    I'm putting in a feature request to more gracefully handle the case when you want to deliver the script to a set of tasks in the shot.  Let us know if that functionality becomes a priority for you.

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    David van Heeswijk
    Hi Rob, Well it sure would be a nice feature to have. Allthough not a showstopper. It's just that we can then handle all the setup through Hiero and the templates. That way, the somewhat less experienced users can savely setup (smaller) projects, without having to worry about paths and tasks. Thanks for your answer! Cheers, David van Heeswijk VFX Supervisor Storm Post Production Amsterdam
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