Hiero buggy on Windows

Hiero is pretty unusable on Windows 7 for me. Constant hangs and crashes I can hardly get anything done. Without the toolkit it's works fine. Does anyone finds the same? Is Hiero with the toolkit stable on the other platforms OSX and Linux? if so, I'll just switch so I can get some work done. Any experiences out there?


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    Hey Steven,

    Sorry to hear you're experiencing such instability! Which version of Hiero are you running? And are there particular actions that cause hanging or crashing?

    We haven't heard of anything significant regarding stability on any platforms before but let us know any more details you can so we can dig in and see what's going on asap.


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    Steven Quinones

    I get constant hangs when exporting. I also get constant pop up windows about HieroQuicktimeHelper when exporting from the shotgun explorer. Lots of laginnes when scrubbing, but that could be our network, but it doesn't seem to be a problem when the plugin is not loaded.

    The media is Quicktimes with h.264, I can't remember the data rate, but it wasn't anything special. They're not particuarly big.

    My project has 3 sequences in it. Each sequence has 4 tracks: Layer 1 through 3 are Storyboard, Layout and Anim, all with about 40-50 clips each, the final layer is the Hiero layer built from the exported stucture and has about the same amount of clips.

    My Hiero version is 1.8v1 Dec 2 2013 Revison 82732. I'm on Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1. The machine is a Dell XPS 8300 Intel core 17-2600 with 16 gigs of ram

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    Thanks for the info Steven. I saw you were still trying to work out some of these issues in a support ticket with Rob as well. The Foundry had acknowledged  Hiero and Nuke had some issues with Quicktime generation on Windows for large files where Quicktime would run out of memory during the file generation. However, they claim this should be resolved as of Nuke 8.0v2.

    Which version of Nuke are you running? And if you turn off the Version creation in the export dialog in Hiero, do you still get hangs and crashing?

    Tracking down these types of crash issues on Windows is a challenge. As for the lagginess... network fileshares on Windows are notorious for being slow and we hear a lot of complaints about it. Not to throw Windows under the bus, but it's not something we have any control over there. 

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    Steven Quinones

    We have Nuke 8.0v2 and I did turned off the version creation in Hiero. I understand about Windows, this is my first time in decades working with Windows, so I'm afraid I'm a bit ignorant about it. I keep getting a nagging feeling that's the problem but unfortunately being in a 95%  WIndows environment I can't test other systems. I'll keep at it and see if I notice anything else.

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    Oh crap. I've been copying the same typo... the resolution is in Nuke 8.0v3 (not v2). Can you try updating your installation of Nuke and see if that helps at all?

    If not, it may be worth contacting the support team at The Foundry as well. We have a thread going with them regarding similar issues. However, I have some tests to run before I can confirm whether or not the latest versions of Nuke has resolved the issues in our tests.

    But try updating Nuke first. They said there was " substantial change to Nuke's QuickTime processing" in that version. Though I'm not certain he wasn't just referring to the general changes in v8.0 as we were testing with v7.0.

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    Steven Quinones

    OK, we'll give it a try. Thanks.

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    Scott Ballard

    For those of you who having the NukeQuicktimeHelper.exe crash when writing out H264 Quicktimes, the solution is to turn off hyperthreading in the BIOS of the render node. This seemed to fix the issue for us. Note that this seems specifically related to Nuke, Quicktimes and H264. When rendering with PhotoJpeg and hyperthreading turned ON it worked.

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    Thanks Scott! That was a great thread you had with the Foundry. We appreciate the followup especially since we couldn't reliably reproduce the issue. Hopefully this will save others from similar frustration. 

    Great work sir! 

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    Scott Ballard

    That bug was a killer one to figure out. We tried a lot of things, eventually I credit Jeremy Oddo, one of our Sr Engineers who remembered an issue with Quicktimes and hyperthreading. Glad this one is solved though!

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    John Coldrick

    Just to jump in here - what  is the BIOS of the rendernode?  I've only heard that term relating to a motherboard BIOS.  Is the answer to just turn off threading?



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    Scott Ballard

    Yes motherboard BIOS is the same thing. On our render nodes the setting is called "Simultaneous Multithreading" but might be called something different depending on which BIOS your using. Refer to your own BIOS manual for config settings.

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    John Coldrick

    Ahh, I get it...rendernode...as in farm.  I was thinking a nuke render node.  :)  got it, thanks...



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