I'm creating a splashscreen for my app, but unfortunately the widget gets parented to the splash screen, which means it has no taskbar icon.
QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow() returns None if there no splashscreen, and that's fine, but with the splashscreen, it returns the splashscreen object.
Is there some way I can trick it into not parenting it to the splash screen?
Im working in the _init_.py that has widget = app.engine.show_dialog("Asset Manager", app, AppDialog, app)
import sgtk from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui from .ui import resources_rc def show_dialog(app): from .asset_manager import AppDialog splash_pix = QtGui.QPixmap(":/res/splash.png") splash = QtGui.QSplashScreen(splash_pix) splash.setMask(splash_pix.mask()) splash.show() splash.raise_() #Create and display the splash screen QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() print "first parent: ", QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow() import grab_directories as grab bIcon = grab.imp.import_module( grab.pathDict['burrows_icon']['production'] ) # show the dialog window using the engine's show_dialog method widget = app.engine.show_dialog("Asset Manager", app, AppDialog, app) bIcon.SetTankIcon(widget) #attach splash screen to the main window to help GC widget.__splash_screen = splash # hide splash screen after loader UI show splash.finish(widget.window()) # bring window to front widget.raise_()