tk-core issue tracker

'tk-core' doesn't have the github issue tracker enabled. 

What is the preferred way of submitting defects ?




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    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Sebastian!

    If you find a bug in any of the toolkit code, or simply have a question, just drop us a line on toolkitsupport@shotgunsoftware.com!

    We are currently tracking all bugs, feature requests and other info internally. We have talked quite a few times about starting to use the github issues to provide more transparency with regards to bugs etc, and also give the community a chance to fix things via pull requests! I think this will happen at some point in the future, but for now the support channels are the best way to report bugs! Also, if you already know the fix, feel free to send us a pull request! 


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    Sebastian Thiel

    Hi Manne, 

    Thanks for the information.

    To my mind it's difficult to understand why there can even be a discussion about this - after all not using a publicly accessible issue tracker is wasting not only your time by dealing with duplicate reports, but also my time by filing a report that I could otherwise just amend to in case these where public.

    Also I cannot quite grasp where the difference is between tk-core and the various other public repositories, which have the github issue tracker enabled.

    Your statement was clear, yet I hope you guys come up with a public tracker rather sooner than later.




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    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Sebastian!

    I'll pass this feedback back to the product team for sure! I wholeheartedly agree with you about a public process and it makes me happy and excited to hear about your commitment and passion.

    For us it is more a matter of practicalities - we currently have more than 25000 tickets in our internal system and these paint a complete historical picture of all our software and is a crucial tool for us when we do both future planning and historical analysis! We could of course turn on all the issues trackers, double up and keep two systems in sync, but we much rather try to come up with a way to work where we track information in one place rather than constantly duplicating it. It is figuring some of these details that is currently holding us back at the moment!

    Again, thanks for your patience Sebastian!


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