renaming "Assets" in file configuration


I'd like to rename the folder "Assets" to "Asset" so that it matches our data organisation.

To do so, I renamed directly the folder in mnt\software\shotgun\characters_pipeline\config\core\schema\project\Assets 

then updated the name in the templates file config.

after doing so I don't have the shotgun save options when opening max or maya.

Is there a further step to do, or is a shotgun constraint to have the "Assets" folder named as such ?


Thank you in advance for your help.




  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    this is what I'd like to have :

    # Maya

    # define the location of  work area
    asset_work_area_maya_no_env: 'assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}'
    asset_work_area_maya_env: 'assets/06_Environment/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}'



    # define the location of photoshop work area

    asset_work_area_photoshop_no_env: 'assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}'
    asset_work_area_photoshop_env: 'assets/06_Environment/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}'




  • 0
    Amina Rachdi


    another question plz; I changed the templates config to have the work file saved directly in the "Step" folder, but sgtk seems to not accept the same entry for multiple paths.  attached is my file to be more clear 

    Thank you for your help.


  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    Renaming the Assets folder to Asset is fine but you'll also need to rename it in the templates that use it - did you do that?  In the example above, the template:

    asset_work_area_maya_env: 'assets/06_Environment/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}'

    would become:

    asset_work_area_maya_env: 'asset/06_Environment/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}'

    You'll also need to make sure that folder creation is run for this new folder - this will happen next time you launch an application from shotgun for an asset or task on an asset.

    Regarding having the same work area for all Applications, this is possible but as you discovered Toolkit won't let you have multiple templates that resolve to the same thing - this is deliberate to avoid the potential for files being overwritten accidentally.

    First, you should replace all the similar templates with a single template - so in your example you would replace asset_work_area_maya_no_envasset_work_area_photoshop_no_env with something like:

    asset_work_area_no_env: 'assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/{Step}'

    Next, you need to edit the various environments that use the original templates and again, replace them with the new asset_work_area_no_env template - search+replace on the environment *.yml file should be fine for this.

    Finally, make sure the folder schema has been updated to contain the correct structure.

    Does that make sense?





  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    For the first warning, this should be ok as Maya will create the workspace.mel file the first time it's needed.  You shouldn't see the warning again if you are opening a file from the same work area (the work area directory is used to set the Maya workspace).

    The error looks like there is a difference between the pipeline configuration root as understood by Toolkit and the directory path on disk, specifically the odyssey directory on disk is all lower-case but the path in the pipeline configuration has an upper-case 'O'.  To fix this, you will probably need to fix the location of the pipeline configuration to change Odyssey to be all lower-case.  Because this path is stored in a couple of different places, I would recommend using the move_configuration command to fix it - once to move the configuration to a temporary location and then again to move it back again to a directory with the correct case:

    1. Back up the Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey directory first incase something goes wrong!
    2. Check out the file <Project data root>/tank/config/tank_configs.yml from Perforce as Toolkit will need to update this file.
    3. cd to your pipeline configuration directory: cd Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey
    4. Run the move configuration command to move the pipeline configuration to a temporary directory.  Choose a temporary directory on disk that doesn't exist:
      • tank.bat move_configuration "" "Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey_tmp" ""
    5. Assuming this has been successful, delete the old directory (Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey) if it still exists.
    6. cd into the new tmp directory: cd Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey_tmp
    7. Run the move configuration command to move the pipeline configuration back to the original directory with the correct case in the name:
      • tank.bat move_configuration "" "Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey" ""
    8. Edit the file <Project data root>/tank/config/tank_configs.yml and remove the additional lines that no longer need to be in there.  it should end up with a single line like this:
      • - {darwin: '', linux2: '', win32: 'Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey'}

    9. Submit this file to Perforce.
    10. Test everything and it should now hopefully work!

    Note: The instructions above assume a Windows only Pipeline configuration.  If you also support OSX then you'll need to add the paths for that when you run the move_configuration command.

    Alternatively, you may also get away with changing the case of the directory on disk to be Odyssey but I'm just assuming you'd rather fix the Toolkit configuration?

    Hope this helps?



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hello Alan,


    Thank you for the detailed answer.

    It's nearly working fine now with setting of the common work and publish areas.

    when opening maya or max, I have a warning :

    # Shotgun: Setting Maya project to 'Z:\mnt\projects\odyssey\Asset\04_Building\Space_Station\Station_ControlTower\MQT'
    // Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/scripts/others/setProject.mel line 317: A project definition file (workspace.mel) was not found at location Z:\mnt\projects\odyssey\Asset\04_Building\Space_Station\Station_ControlTower\MQT, a default project definition will be created. //


    Then when I want to save, I get this error : 

    # Shotgun: Engine cannot be started: You are trying to start using the configuration and tank command located in 'Z:\mnt\software\shotgun\odyssey'. The path 'Z:\mnt\projects\odyssey\Asset\04_Building\Space_Station\Station_ControlTower\MQT\scene.v001.ma' you are trying to load is not associated with that configuration. The path you are trying to load is associated with the following configurations: ['Z:\\mnt\\software\\shotgun\\Odyssey']. Please use the tank command or Sgtk API in any of those locations in order to continue. This error can occur if you have moved a Configuration on disk without correctly updating it. It can also occur if you are trying to use a tank command associated with Project A to try to operate on a Shot or Asset that that belongs to a project B. #


    The thing is that I haven't changed the path of the project configuration.... may be missed up something somewhere, but can't get it.


    thank you in advance.


  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hi Alan,


    It works now. thank you.  However, I only changed the name to lower case in the tank_configs.yml file.

    I got an error using the move configuration, saying it couldn't find the pipeline configuration ... 

    Is it safe to do modification only in the tank_configs file ? anyway, I can save my files now ..

    concerning Perforce, I removed it from my config, because I couldn't make it work with 3dsmax ... seems to be working only with photoshop and maya ... is it the case ? is a 3dsmanx engine supporting perforce planned soon ?

    Thank you,



  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    Glad you got it working - that error sounds similar to one I hit when I first tried it - I'll check to see if something is broken somewhere!

    The path is also stored in Shotgun on a PipelineConfiguration entity.  If you go to your project you will probably have a page for them although you may have to create one.  By default the field for the Windows path isn't editable so you need to change the permissions to make it editable - In the admin menu in Shotgun, navigate to Permissions->Admin->Field Permissions->Pipeline Configuration and enable Edit for the Windows Path field.

    Note that it's important that the values on the entity and the values in that file are kept in sync!

    Regarding Perforce support for 3ds Max - this is something that was left out initially due to time constraints but it should be a fairly quick thing to add back in - is this a priority for you?  I'll bring it up with the rest of the team and see where it will fit in.



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hi Alan,

    ok thank you.

    Regarding perforce support for 3dsmax, It's a high priority for us because we are mainly using it, few people in the team use maya ... most modelers are using 3dsmax 2014.


    is it something doable quickly for you ?


    thank you,


  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    We've added a ticket for this work to my current sprint so I should be able to get it done during the next week.

    I'll shout once it's available.



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hello Alan,

    good news for us :)

    Thank you for the update

  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hello Alan,

    I'm getting back to you about Perforce integration with 3dsMax.  Any news about the release date please ?

    Thank you in advance,


  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    Sorry for the delay - I actually started this on Friday and should hopefully get it finished today or tomorrow.



  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    Sorry for the delay - I ran into some problems with the 3ds Max engine which slowed down the development a bit but it's now going through code review and I should hopefully get it out later today.



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hi Alan,


    Any update for me please concerning perforce integration :)


    Thank you,


  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    Just wanted to let you know that we hit a couple more issues in code-review/QA but these are nearly solved and we hope to get a release out soon although it will probably be the beginning of next week now.

    Really sorry for yet another delay but this should be the last one!



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hi Alan,

    Ok.  Thank you for the update :)



  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    Just to let you know that I've released a new version of the games configuration and the Perforce framework that implement the Perforce integration for 3ds Max.

    You can either start from the new version of the default games configuration or update your existing configuration using the default as a reference.

    Please let me know how you get on or if you have any problems or questions.



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hi Ryan,


    Sorry for the late response, I was on vacation.

    Thank you for the update, I got the new perforce version and set it up on a new project to make some tests using the default games config file.

    But I got an error message when opening a new asset in 3dsmax.  seems a dll is missing ...


    Thank you for your help,



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Oups, Alan (not Ryan) ... I was checking an email of Ryan just before writing my comments, sorry about that :)

  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    I'll take a look - it may just be that you need to install a different version of the vc runtime (are you running Windows 8?) but let me check that mine works with 3ds Max 2014 before you do anything!



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    Hello Alan,

    yes, I'm running Windows 8.

    Thanks for your help.



  • 0
    Amina Rachdi

    hello Alan,

    Any news about the new Perforce version setup please ?


    thank you in advance,


  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    Sorry about this - I've been able to reproduce the problem you are seeing.  It looks like a dll version mismatch but I'm not sure why yet - am looking into it though...



  • 0
    Alan Dann

    Hi Amina,

    I've just released a new version of the Perforce framework (v0.1.6) that should hopefully solve this...  The problem was that when running the system Python (via the Blur extension), it's running a version of Python built against the VS 2008 compiler.  However, both 3ds Max 2014 and the Blur extension are built against VS 2010 and it's this version that the P4API.pyd extension needs to match!

    With 3ds Max 2015 and our soon-to-be-released new engine, this shouldn't be a problem as the version of Python included with Max should be built against VS 2010 as well.

    Can you run tank updates on your config and let me know if it works?



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