add the date to rendered file

Hi support team!


I have been trying to add a date folder for the nuke renders and publishes.

I currently have something like this in the templates:


nuke_still_render_jpeg: '@jpeg_root/in_progress/{YYYY}_{MM}_{DD}/{Shot}_v{version}.{SEQ}.jpeg'
nuke_still_render_pub_jpeg: '@jpeg_root/{YYYY}_{MM}_{DD}/{Shot}_v{version}.{SEQ}.jpeg'


The problem is that when i render or publish i get the attached screen, basically stating that the field {YYYY}_{MM}_{DD} was missing from the input. 

How should i proceed in order to get Toolkit to create a folder with the current date?


Thank you




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    Hey Bruno,

    We're currently not including the template fields for YYYY, MM, or DD in there. But we should be! So I'll add them in and get a new release out shortly. Additionally, there's a validation check which verifies the render path hasn't changed, and if it has, it will freeze the path as the last cached value. We'll add in an exception to this for those template fields since if you're using them, you'll obviously want the path to change if you render on different days. 

    I'll follow up when this is released and ready for you to test. In the meantime, let me know if you have any more questions about it.


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    Bruno Guerreiro

    Thank you KP


    I will be looking forward for this new release.


    All the best


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    Hi Bruno,

    Just wanted to let you know that I just released a new version of tk-nuke-writenode which adds the date-related template fields YYYY, MM, and DD. It's in the app store as v1.0.9. Release notes are located here: https://support.shotgunsoftware.com/entries/95440797

    Please let me know how this works for you!

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    Bruno Guerreiro

    Hi KP,

    This works perfectly! You guys made everybody very happy here!

    Keep up the great work, you guys rock!


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