I try to retrieve the notes and replies attached to a task (using the toolkit)
i am able to retrieve them with a shotgun_model instance
entity_type = "Note"
publish_fields = ['id',
but what i get in replies is only the {id, content, type}
[{'content': 'note 1', 'created_at': 1413484177.0, 'created_by': 'xx xxxx', 'replies': []}, {'content': 'note 2', 'created_at': 1413484197.0, 'created_by': 'xx xxxx', 'replies': [{'type': 'Reply', 'id': 5, 'name': 'Mais si , mais si ....'}, {'type': 'Reply', 'id': 4, 'name': 'note sure'}]}]
i d like to retrieve also the "user" and "date" of this reply in one pass. Is there a Reply entity somewhere ?
cannot figure out how to
2) second Question, is it possible to retrieve the same notes/replies info from a query on task. On task i can only get the open notes content , but not the author nor created_at, nor replies details. If i could get that in one pass thru task query , i would give up my notes_model query of question 1)
Thx in advance for your support