I downloaded the Shotgun Desktop app for Windows, but as soon as I put the site information in, I'm getting an error:
Error starting the Toolkit, please contact support.
"NoneType" object is not iterable.
If I launch the app again, I get:
Error starting the Desktop engine, please contact support.
Cannot create a Configuration from path 'C:\blahblah\AppData\Roaming\Shotgun\<studiowebsite>\site' - this path does not belong to an Sgtk Project!
I know that I will need to get the Desktop engine, but I would like to test this in my own Pipeline Configuration and not in our studio release area. How will it know which pipeline config to use?
Are there any guides for setting up with app with projects that are already using SGTK? And using the inherited studio configuration? We'd like to start testing this as soon as possible.