Sg Desktop Launch Error

We can't launch the shotgun Desktop application, We get the error:

"Error starting the Desktop engine, please contact support. Can't authenticate script 'Toolkit'"

Now I know what it means, we no longer have a script user in shotgun called "Toolkit", but we set our tool kit configuration to use a different one.

How do I set the shotgun app to use the new key?



  • 0
    Philip Scadding

    I cleared out my AppData/roaming/shotgun folder and started it again, and now I get a different error.

    Error starting the Toolkit, please contact support.

    API create() CRUD ERROR #6 Create failed for [ApiUser]:Validation failed:

    Firstname is already in use by an active or retired script

  • 0
    Rob Blau

    Hi there,

    There isn't a way to configure the Desktop to use a different script name right now.  The error you are seeing would be because the Desktop is trying to create a Toolkit script but is getting an error because there is one already, just retired.  To get things running you'd need to revive that script from the Trash.  Would it be possible to update your toolkit configuration to use the Toolkit script rather than another one?

  • 0
    Philip Scadding

    We need to be able to completely refresh all the script keys. We have a policy to regenerate the script keys regularly, and we have a tool that does that for us. This is mainly so that we can makes sure that only current employees have scripted access to our sg site.

    I think it would be insecure to have a key that we can't change on a regular basis. We have all of our scripts accessing a python module that creates a sg connection for them, so that we don't have to embed keys in the tools them selves. The tools request a connection with a persistent script name, which will then used to look up the actual script name and key.

    So at present I think until we can configure the sg desktop app to use a specific script name and key its not going to be an option.

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    Rob Blau

    That script rotation does make sense.  Would you be able to rename the Toolkit script to some unique name (Toolkit-<uuid> or some such) before retiring it and then keep using Toolkit as the script name?  That would let you keep updating the key associated with the Toolkit script.

  • 0
    Philip Scadding

    Ok, that will work, thanks. I hadn't thought of trying that.

    One small thing and this is not a toolkit thing. Seems odd that in the trash page it displays the name with the version, and on the scripts page just the name despite the field name being the same. I took me a while to find the script in the trash because I was looking for a script called just "Toolkit"

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