Flame Export - Audio



Maybe I'm not seeing the right option, but, how do you get tk-flame-export to export audio files?

I tried specifying an export preset xml in the settings hook copied from an audio preset, disabled all video tracks, but when I do the 'Shotgun Shot Export', I get a 'no video codec in export_preset' error. Which is correct, but since I want to export audio, not very helpful...


Sebastian H


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    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Sebastian!

    The sequence workflow currently supports audio but the shot export workflow doesn't! I'll log a feature ticket for this.

    How do you need the audio data organized? As a single track for the sequence? Or would you like to be able to include audio in the quicktimes generated for review?




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    Permanently deleted user


    Well, ideally, I'd like to end up with one sound clip per shot, which is a mixdown of all the audible audio tracks underneath a particular shot.

    So that further down the line, for example in Maya (or also in Nuke, ...) an artist can sync framerange through Shotgun, load that sound clip (also through Shotgun) to the beginning of the timeline range and they can be sure that framerange and audio are all in sync.

    And also in sync with the backplate proxies, which would also come from Flame. So everything is exported from the same timeline and it all matches up nicely.

    Essentialy we're trying to use Flame as a (very expensive) kind of Hiero :)


    Sebastian H

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    Permanently deleted user

    Small addendum: for a first step it would already be sufficient to be able to export audio segments the same as video segments, based on shot name of the segment and then written out to somewhere. Then we'd just have to prepare the timeline so there's a audio segment matching the length of the shot...

  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Cool, that's what I was hoping you'd say (audio in quicktimes is tricky, audio support is hopefully a lot more straight forward). I have logged a ticket for this on our end now! Thanks!

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