Manage Shotgun Account

When I try to login to this site - https://account.shotgunsoftware.com I get a "Your login info was incorrect. Please try again" message. Is this a different login from a shotgun site admin login? I want to review our Shotgun site's license details and I guess this is the site where I can find that.





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    Permanently deleted user

    Hey there Sachin!

    The account password is different from your site admin password! You should have received an email with account details and sign-in links etc when you originally signed up. If you don't have that email, try clicking the I forgot my password link on the account page to get unblocked. 

    Hope that helps!


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    I have the same problem and after clicking on "forgot password" I do not even receive an email.

    This is pretty annoying, since I just wanted to move from trial to buying some licenses - but I can't. ;)

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    Brandon Foster

    Hey Cfe,

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble logging in. Send an email to support@shotgunsoftware.com with your details (site URL, and your email used to sign up) and we'll help you get things sorted.

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