File system configuration


I need to change the file system and I'd like to know if it's feasible before trying some modifications.

Here is the case specification :

1- In Shotgun, I have my pipeline configuration as such :

    asset type module with pipe : 

    - 2D Design 

   - 3D Mockup

   - ingame Model

  - FX

  - Texture

2- in toolkit config I need to have :

    - 2D Design and 3D mockup tasks files to be saved in folder "Asset\Concept-art\asset_name\Step"

   - FX to be saved in "Asset\FX\asset_name"

   - Texture to be saved in "Asset\Textures\asset_name"

and so on.


How do you think I can proceed ?


Thank you in advance for your support.


Cheers !



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