Grouping notes by shot number

In the notes page of our episode project I would like to sort and/or group notes that are linked to shots by shot number. The only field in which I could find this is "link", however, this field contains several links for each note: versions, playlists etc. Grouping the notes by 'link' seems to result in the software randomly picking one of the links, so it's not a good solution.

Is there any way in which I could indicate which link I would like the notes to be grouped by, or any other way to group the notes by shot number?

Many thanks!



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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Hana,

    Great question! The Links field can be both useful, and a little unhelpful in certain instances. It's great you can associate a single Note with many different things so it has proper context (e.g. during a review a Note created may be linked to a Version, the Playlist the Version belongs to, and the Shot to which the Version belongs). That's great when trying to find a specific Note ("I know it was given during this one review, lets look at the notes from that playlist date").

    However when looking at a page full of Notes and trying to group, things start to get confusing. This is because the grouping is acting on all the permutations of values within that Links field. Since you might have 3 different types of entities (or more) in that Links field, that one Note will appear in many different groups. With some filters and advanced grouping though, I think we can get to the view you need.

    In this screenshot I'm on a Notes page with some advanced grouping (also pictured):


    First I'm grouping by link Type, so that my top level groups will be by entity. Then I'm grouping by the exact value below that. This allows you to distill down to just Shots first, then the individual Shots below that. You can further reduce your results on the page with a filter where the "Link is a Shot."

    This is admittedly not a perfect solution, but should get you closer to your goal. Let me know how that works for you or if we can offer any additional help!

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    Hana Zaharia

    Dear Brandon, 

    Thank you very much for your reply! It did work, I am now able to see the notes grouped by shot number. Do you know how I could filter out the link types? I would like to have separate filters for version, playlist and shot - if I keep them all together I have over 50 pages of notes and it is very hard to search through them.

    Best regards, 


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    Brandon Foster

    It looks like our filters 'is a' and 'is not a' will either include, or exclude the Note in the results if the condition is matched for *any* of the values in the Links field. So if you're using a filter like "Link is a Shot", it will include all Notes linked to a Shot, but also Notes linked to a Shot and Version and Playlist. So filtering unfortunately will not pare down the results as I had originally stated.

    What is your end goal? Do you need a place where you can browse through every single Shot Note ever created, or are you trying to find specific Notes quickly (or perhaps something else entirely)?

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    Hana Zaharia

    I would like to be able to do both: at first, have a complete list of the notes ever created on all the shots in a project, grouped by shot number. But let's assume the user doesn't know the number of the shot he is looking for, I would like to make it easier for him to 'browse through' all these notes - filter them by type, by status, author etc. But the main goal is a page which can accommodate everyone's needs, whether it is to quickly find a specific note or to just have an overview of all the notes in an episode. 

    Does this make sense? :))

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    Brandon Foster

    Makes sense, thanks for the additional details! It sounds like we don't have an elegant way of grouping Notes with multiple Links together at this time. In chatting with our product team it sounds like we need to create a more focused Notes view in order to accommodate something like what you've described. I'd recommend heading over to our Feature Request forum and making a post describing exactly the functionality you're looking for so the community can discuss and vote.

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