Modo Engine

An engine for Modo is something that has come up in discussion with clients and beta testers. Is this something that would be interesting to you? Let us know your thoughts by adding comments or dialogue to this post (you need to be signed in to do that!) - or simply subscribe to this forum if you want to get updates whenever we or someone else posts here!


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    Armando Ricalde

    As far as I remember there was a studio working on this (sorry I forgot the name) but I don't know what is the status. We would also love to have a tight Modo integration, for now we programmed a Generic Publisher (drag & Drop) for all the software without Engine.


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    We're currently beginning a new full length 3d animation movie and we used to work with shotgun - maya - 3ds max - nuke.

    We worked on our previous movie with modo without integration in shotgun. On next project we really need to use modo with shotgun pipeline toolkit . 

    Do u already wotking on It? If not, do I need feedback from the foundry?


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi Denis and Armando!

    We haven't done any Modo integration work on our side yet, but we have had a couple meetings with the Foundry team to discuss tech specs to hopefully address any potential blocking issues for when the integration moves forward.  Modo has a Python API, which is of course great for our integration purposes.  :)  The main unknown that we identified in our chat with them was how our PySide/Qt UIs would play with Modo's UIs, which are written in their own UI framework called Opal.

    It's been a while since we last chatted with them though, so thanks for pinging this thread!  It's probably time for me to check in with them again on this so I'll do that and report back!


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Oops, I forgot to answer Armando's question - I'm not aware of anyone who has started their own Modo engine, but if someone has, please reply and join this thread!


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    Armando Ricalde

    Yeah, maybe I was confused and I was thinking about a studio working on the Mari engine, which I´m pretty sure you mentioned it at one webinar


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    Thanks for replies. I used to work with Gregory Duquesne who is product manager for modo. I'm pretty sure he can help u to gain access to all informations you need.

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    Gregory Duquesne

    Hi Ryan,

    I can tell you that modo now will soon have QT viewports, it will be available on 801 Linux but we can make it available to you on windows\OSX as well. We can get you these builds asap, let me know.


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Just wanted to reply to the thread here and report that we're looking to start up a client collaboration on Modo support/integration with Denis and Greg from the Foundry.  I'm getting our licenses squared away now, and once that happens, we'll do a kickoff chat with one of our engineers.  Let us know if you're interested in joining in on this.  We'll also keep the community posted on progress here...!


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    Genaro Rocha

    Thanks for reviving this one, we are an animation studio which uses Modo almost exclusively to create all of our content, and we already produced a feature on it. Now that Modo supports QT viewports (at least on linux) we were actually planning development on a Modo engine, so I was very glad to see this thread come back to life. If this kicks off soon, we would like to help in any way we can. 


    Genaro Rocha
    Boxel Animation Studio

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    Hello Ryan, we're still waiting for QT based windows version of modo. Greg told me that first version is almost done. 

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    Shane O'Hara

    Hey guys just wanted to express our studio's (roofstudio.tv)  interest in the modo engine integration. We use modo for both front end and back end of our pipeline and would we think it would be incredible to tie it into our shotgun pipe  Even just an alembic loader/publisher would be huge!

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    Genaro Rocha

    Here is a repository for a Shotgun Modo Engine. Has anyone seen this or tried it? 


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    Tim Crowson

    Would love to know more about this as well, and if this has continued to progress.

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    @ Genaro : yes, ATM Lutz Pälike is developping that modo engine for us at walking the dog. 

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    Sebastian Larsen

    We use Modo as well, very interested in this.

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    Larry Vasquez

    Hi folks. I'm apart of newly formed company and we're looking in to Shotgun. Modo is very much apart of our pipeline (modeling, surfacing, lighting, rendering) along with Maya (rigging & animating). So any support here for Modo in Shotgun is a huge plus for our needs and consideration. 901 has the new QT UI, so I'd like to hear how things are progressing, if any, since some of this discussion on this tread heated up in July.

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    James Berkheimer

    HI all, I was curious if there was any movement on getting an engine for Modo working in Shotgun.   The one from the git repository wasn't working for me.



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    Jeff Beeland

    Hi James,

    A Modo integration is not on our roadmap right now, so there's been no work done on our end. If someone from the community wanted to work on getting the tk-modo engine up and running that you've linked to here, we would be happy to advise those doing the work where we're able to. If that's something you or someone else wants to work on, we would suggest starting a conversation on the shotgun-dev google group to see who might be interested in contributing.


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    James Berkheimer

    I may take a crack at it if I can schedule some dev time.  Thanks for the update and the tips.

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