Boujou Engine

An engine for Boujou is something that has come up in discussion with clients and beta testers. Is this something that would be interesting to you? Let us know your thoughts by adding comments or dialogue to this post (you need to be signed in to do that!) - or simply subscribe to this forum if you want to get updates whenever we or someone else posts here!


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    Abraham Levi Borbujo Carrasco

    Hi. I´m very interested to have boujou and other match move/camera solvers integrated on Shotgun.


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi Abraham!

    Thanks for weighing in on this!  Is Boujou the primary tool you use for camera tracking?  Do you also use any of the other options out there?


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    Abraham Levi Borbujo Carrasco

    Hi Ryan.

    I really don´t use software but my collegues do, so i´m trying to set up all workflow. They usually work with different tracking software depending on the shot. So PFTrack, Boujou, Match Mover, Mocha ans Syntheyes are all wellcome. Is there any pipeline tool for one of them?


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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi Abraham!

    This is starting to sound like a pattern - most people seem to be asking about all of the camera tracking tools and they tend to mix and match depending on the particulars of what they are tracking.  It feels like there may not end up being a consensus on which one to do first...?


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