Mudbox Engine

An engine for Mudbox is something that has come up in discussion with clients and beta testers. Is this something that would be interesting to you? Let us know your thoughts by adding comments or dialogue to this post (you need to be signed in to do that!) - or simply subscribe to this forum if you want to get updates whenever we or someone else posts here!


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    Mathieu Leblanc

    Any news for this engine?  Thanks!

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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi Mathieu.

    No news yet, but thanks for registering your interest in this one!  What kind of priority would you put on this one compared to other missing engines?


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    Joseph mulvanerty

    I am also voicing my interest in Mudbox integration. Subcribed for updates!

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    Hasiel Hassan Alvarez Zavala

    At the beginning of the production for our current feature film we did a little digging in order to develop an engine for Mudbox, but because fo time and budget we get it aside.
    Maybe we continue the effort the next year, do you think would be possible to have initial help from someone at Autodesk?

    We currently develop a c++ plugin to implement a "special save" app to register some info in shotgun and save the file with certain names, but its far from an engine.

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    Bradley Stilwell

    We have an artist using mudbox and would like to have this integration please.

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    Adam Benson

    Would very much like to see Mudbox integration myself!  We desperately need a solution for non-supported apps as well.  Like Z-Brush.  But I'd gladly take some Mudbox integration

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    Nicholas Yue

    Any update after 3 years :-) ?

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    Jeff Beeland

    Hey Nicholas (and others that have pinged this),


    No updates on our end, as it's not currently on our roadmap. We're always happy to provide guidance for any community members that want to build an integration like this themselves, so if there's a person or team out there that's interested in doing so, please reach out to us!



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