Blender Engine

An engine for Blender is something that has come up in discussion with clients and beta testers. Is this something that would be interesting to you? Let us know your thoughts by adding comments or dialogue to this post (you need to be signed in to do that!) - or simply subscribe to this forum if you want to get updates whenever we or someone else posts here!


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    Rob Blau Official comment

    Hi Bradley, unfortunately Toolkit and Blender are incompatible at a pretty basic level right now. Blender's Python scripting is Python 3, but Toolkit and the Shotgun API are only supported on Python 2. We are targeting a tech preview of Python 3 support next year to keep current with the VFX Reference Platform, but until that happens it isn't possible to create a Blender Engine for Shotgun.

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    Lyonel Charmette

    Hi there,

    I'm actually looking for tools like you propose with shotgun, but before I make my final decision, I'd like like to know a bit more about Shotgun for Blender. Did you work on it at some point ? Is it still somthing you're planning to do ? I'm gonna work with Blender more and more, so that's why I'm asking.

    Thanks for your attention.



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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi Lyonel.

    We haven't done any work on Blender integration yet, but it is something that we eventually want to get to, as we'd ultimately like to have coverage for everything our clients need and use!  That said, we don't have any immediate plans to jump on this, although we do collaborate with clients who want to push on the dev themselves and will do everything we can to help them get up and running.  We've had a few other engines start out this way, where clients get them going and we help them out (i.e. Softimage, Hiero).

    Beyond that, just voting here in the forum is a great way to let us know this is important to you and we use the forum replies to gauge priorities amongst these sorts of things, so thanks for posting!


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    François T. (francois.gfx

    would TK work with python 3.* ? (that's the python used by blender)

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    Ryan Mayeda

    Hi Francois.

    We don't currently QA for Python 3.x yet (since none of the things we integrate with require it and/or don't support it), so it's likely that there would be things we'd need to address in order to ensure compatibility.  If we were to do Blender integration, then this would likely have to be folded into the work we do.  I didn't realize that Blender only supported Python 3.x (a quick Google searched turned this up) so that probably increases the amount of work it would take to do this integration...


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    François T. (francois.gfx

    what would be the work ? having TK python3 ready or doing some hack on the blender side ? 

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    Ryan Mayeda

    There are differences between Python 2.x and 3.x that we will need to vet throughout the codebase.  The goal here would be to not do a hack and make sure everything works the right way.  The way we usually approach this is to dive into QA and potentially a development "spike" to assess the amount of work required.  Until we do that, it's hard to give a quote on scope.

    Are you looking to use Python 3.x across the board, like for folder creation, etc. as well?  Or just related to Blender?


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    François T. (francois.gfx

    it was more of an open question. I thought I would look into blender as a practice case to see how an engine would be integrated, but I have no need for it right now. 

    We are using Py 2.x most of the time, we might need to use ironPython at some point for application wrote in C#

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    Hasiel Hassan Alvarez Zavala
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    Vicente Carro

    We could definitely use Blender with Shotgun. And PFTrack too if you ask ;)
    In our case, most of the software we use is using Python 2.x but our operating systems are using 3.x too. So not a big deal for us.
    Personally I would love to get rid of the python2.x and switch to 3.x for everything. Mainly because of the multithreading stuff, but I'm afraid the big players are going to take a long time to move on and so the big software companies (I don't see Autodesk switching to python 3 anytime soon).

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    Satish Goda

    Also. Blender is not built on top of Qt! That could also make things interesting from a development and integration point of view.

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    Dumiah Studio

    we are using blender more and more in our studio pipeline, it would be great to make blender engine, is it that hard to make blender talk to shotgun ?

    do any one successfully integrate blender could show how it was done ?  

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    Bradley Stilwell

    With Blender 2.8's imminent release I am looking at using it more. It would be great to have a Shotgun engine. I'd love to be involved to learn more about creating an engine, perhaps under the guidance of a more senior developer. I am not a developer though, just basic python knowledge.

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    Martin Naydenski

    We are also looking into using for Blender for asset creation in production and as we have integrated shotgun almost everywhere else it would be great to be able to have it in Blender too. Thanks

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