RV EDL Format


I have some questions and issues regarding EDL in RV.

  • I'm trying to generate some RV EDL files. From the user doc, we can have comments with lines starting with "#".

But I have an error message for each comment line when importing the EDL in RV.

  • Is it possible to launch automatically RV with a command line option that will load an EDL file?
  • Is there any other EDL format supported (like CMX3600)?
  •  Finally, I have another issue, with a simple EDL:

"R:/Path/Sq10bis/Sq10bis_left.#.jpg"    101    200
# "R:/Path/Sq10bis_right.101-300#.jpg"    101    200

If I load this EDL file, the RV timeline is modified, but no image is played if I scrub it.

If I uncomment the second line, the two sequences are loaded, and I can scrub the whole timeline (even the images coming from the first sequence are displayed)

The images are in the same folder, beginning at frame "Sq10bis_left.0101.jpg" and ending at "Sq10bis_left.0507.jpg"






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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Pierre,

    > I'm trying to generate some RV EDL files. From the user doc, we can
    > have comments with lines starting with "#".
    > But I have an error message for each comment line when importing the
    > EDL in RV, are we doing something wrong?

    Yes, it looks like there's a couple bugs in the Simple EDL parsing.
    That don't get much use.  Luckily, the processing all happens in the
    scripting language, so you don't have to wait for the next release
    to get a fix.

    Please find attached a file called "rvui.mu".  If you swap the
    attached file in for the corresponding file in your installed RV,
    the simple EDLs should work as you expect.  (The installed rvui.mu
    is in the plugins/Mu directory.)

    > Is it possible to only add a single image in an EDL file?

    Yes, anything like this shouuld work:

       "images.#.jpg" 101 101
       "images.mov" 101 101
       "images.0101.jpg" 101 101

    > Is it possible to launch automatically RV with a command line option
    > that will load an EDL file?

    Not at the moment.  You could do this from the scripting language
    though, I think.

    > Is there any support for other EDL format (like CMX3600)?

    No, we don't distribute any tools for reading other EDL formats at
    the moment.  The EDL stored in the session file is actual pretty
    fully-featured, so most people write that directly.  We'd like to
    distribute some standard conversion tools, but haven't gotten to it

    > Our main goal is to launch RV from a html link, with one EDL as
    > parameter and autoload a mono/stereo image sequence. I know it's
    > possible to do it with RV ( http://www.tweakfilms.com/products/rv-customization/rv-customization-page#what-users-have-done
    > ) but we need some hints.

    Your best bet might be to just wait a bit.  RV 3.8 is set to go into
    Beta in a few weeks, and that release will include "rvlink" URL
    handling on all platforms.  Just let us know if you'd like to be
    included in the beta testing.

    > Where is the RV mu API documentation?

    I'm afraid there isn't much.  On the other hand the entire GUI
    implementation is in Mu, and distributed as source (in plugins/Mu).
    So the best thing to do is look through that for examples that are
    close to what you want to do.

    Also, RV has a package system for encapsulating functionality for
    distribution.  This is documented in Chapter 7 of the User Manual.
    And there are lots of example packages on the RV download page:


    And we're of course happy to answer Mu questions.


    Alan Trombla
    Tweak Software

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    > Where is the RV mu API documentation?

    Just in case anyone else happens across this post like me. RV 3.8 includes some Mu documentation. Its under Help -> Mu User's Manual.

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    Alan Trombla

    Thanks Tomas!

    Mu documentation is definitely a little thin.  Here are some pointers on getting at least as list of available functions and classes:

    You can get a list of APIs/namespace like so:

    shell> rv -cli 
    rv> print(autodoc.document_symbol("XXX"))

    where XXX is a symbol or path to a symbol. The most interesting ones will be "system", "string", "regex", "qt", "math", "math_util", or any specific type like "float". You can load in parts of rv's ui like so:

    rv> require rvui 
    rv> require rvtypes

    which correspond to modules in $RVHOME/plugins/Mu on linux. Then do the same:

    rv> print(autodoc.document_symbol("rvtypes"))

    etc. For some reason there's a bug if you give document_symbol() the input "" (which should list the entire symbol tree) in version 3.8. This works in 3.10. (The -cli mechanism is so old we forgot it was in there.)

    Also, looking over the UI code (in $RVHOME/plugins/Mu) should be helpful -- almost all of the user interface and control logic is written in mu and the source code is in there.

    And of course, it you can tell us what you want to do we are happy to help out.


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    Version 3.8.7, built on Jun 17 2010 at 18:29:00 (32bit). (L)
    Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Tweak Software. All rights reserved.
    Type `help()' for a list of commands.
    or `help("name of command")' for help on a specific command.
    rv> input, line 1, char 3: Unresolved reference to "t"
    ERROR: uncaught exception: syntax error
    rv> print(autodoc.document_symbol("string"))
    Can't find file (autodoc.document_symbol(string))

    Hey Alan,

    I might just be doing something wrong here. I get an error when running "rv -cli" from the shell and then another from the rv command line when I try something like print(autodoc.document_symbol("string")). I tried removing any plugins also.

    Thanks for all the help,

    Here's my console:

    c:\>rvVersion 3.8.7, built on Jun 17 2010 at 18:29:00 (32bit). (L)Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Tweak Software. All rights reserved.Type `help()' for a list of commands.or `help("name of command")' for help on a specific command.rv> input, line 1, char 3: Unresolved reference to "t"ERROR: uncaught exception: syntax error

    rv> print(autodoc.document_symbol("string"))

    Can't find file (autodoc.document_symbol(string))

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    Alan Trombla

    I'm sorry Tomas, the "-cli" (command line interpreter) is a non-oftern-used part of RV that we don't keep up as we should.  It doesn't work on windows at the moment.

    Something you can do on any platform is copy the file "scripts/rv/rvrc.mu" from the rv dist area to your home directory.  Call it ".rvrc.mu" (note the leading "."), and add something like this to the  end:

    fuction: setup(void;)

    Then this code will run when RV starts.  Not as handy as -cli, but you can use this method to print autodoc output or test Mu code in general.


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