Playing whole movie with EDL

Hi I'm trying to play a sequence of movies together using a simple EDL as input. I want to play a section, then a whole clip, then another section. I've searched through the docs and the forums and could not find out how I can do this.

This is how I want the EDL to look like, which the parser doesn't like

"/asset/01.mov" 10 20


"/asset/02.mov" 40 50

From the docs it looks like I must specify a start and end frame for each clip, but I just want it to play.

Can anyone inform me the correct way to do this?




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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Peter, thanks for asking. 

    Yes, you're right that the simple EDL can't really handle that situation.   If you're building this EDL file programmatically, you could use rvls first to determine the length of special.mov, so you can put its first/last frame in the EDL and see the whole movie.

    Another solution would be to use a command line instead of a simple EDL.  As of RV 3.8.4, you can specify -in/out frames on the command line and build an EDL that way.  So your example would look like this:

    rv [ /asset/01.mov -in 10 -out 20 ] [ /asset/special.mov ] [ /asset/02.mov -in 40 -out 50 ]

    Hope that helps,


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    Peter Tse

    Thanks Alan for the prompt reply.

    I have not tried using rvls so I will hit the docs to see how to use that.

    Perhaps you could provide an example.


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    Alan Trombla

    Sure.  (Also note that "rvls -help" will give you some basic information.)

    A command line like "rvls -l /asset/special.mov" should give you output that looks something like:

         w x h     typ   #ch   fps   #fr   file
       640 x 480    8i   3      24   350   /asset/special.mov

    And that "350" is the number of frames in the movie.  So using "1" as the in frame and "350" as the out frame in the simple EDL would get you the whole movie.

  • 0
    Peter Tse

    I got it.

    Thank you very muc for your help

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    Matt Tucker

    Hello Alan,

    I'm curious to know if it's possible to import a simple edl, from the command line.  I was using the command line to specify sources, up until I hit the 'MAX CHARACTER' limit.  I'd like to load the sources into RV using the edl, in hopes I'll dodge the max char limit @ the command line.

    Any suggestions?


  • 0
    Alan Trombla

    Discussion of simple edl on the commnand line moved to this thread.


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