RV Maya integration

Hello everybody. I'm really new to this...

I'm trying to use RV as the Maya's Playblast player. I'm trying to do it based on a MEL script that does the same but with IRIDAS FrameCycler, but I can't find a parameter for the Resample X and Y. The only flag related to Resampling in the command line commmands I found is "-resampleMethod", but it has no X or Y parameters, only a string with the Method name.

The script I'm using is this one: http://doc.iridas.com/index.php/Maya_Playblast_Script

Any ideas?






  • 0
    Seth Rosenthal

    Hello Ariel,

    RV has a command line flag to scale the incoming image. The flag is '-s <scale>'.

    So for example to resample an exr sequence to half res the usage is:

    >> rv foo.#.exr -s 0.5

    Will that work for what you need?



  • 0
    Ariel Janover

    Thanks for your reply Seth, I really like your job and, even if I'm young, I really hope someday I can do something even slightly related to what you do (here in Argentina is not that easy to write code for CGI or postprodoction as a living).

    I saw that flag, the problem is that the script I'm using as a base uses both parameters: Resample and Scale. You can see it in http://doc.iridas.com/index.php/Maya_Playblast_Script

    I'm not sure about the difference nevertheless...

    In the meantime I'll  use -s


    Thanks, thanks, thanks!



  • 0
    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Ariel,

    It looks that script has two separate commands:

    1) It runs the playblast with various arguments

    2) It runs the flipblook with various arguments

    I think the 'scale' argument in that script (which is connected to a slider) is used in the playblast command to set the size of the output resolution ($res). I.e. the size of the files written to disk.

    The resample parameters are used by the flipbook to tell it to scale the images down on input.

    You may not really need to resample at all in the flipbook (i.e. for playblasts you might want to just render them at the right size for review). But if you want RV to scale them down on reading the files, then the -s flag is what you want.

    But for lots of workflows it would probably be best to render your playblasts at final size you want to review them at. That will save time by rendering smaller files and also by not having to do software resampling when you load them into the flipbook.



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    Ariel Janover

    That's exactly it, I'll try that.

    Thank you a lot Seth!



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