Nuke integration Stereo

We are currently doing a stereo project and was wondering if anyone know how I can get L & R eye to flip from nuke.

When I go into RV from nuke it asks what views I want  left,right. But only flips the current eye that I am viewing and doesn't load the other. any suggestions



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    Frank Rueter

    Are you seeing an error or does RV just load the first view? Are you using the default rv_this.py?

    I'm actually planning on extending the rv_this.py a bit to make it more flexible and powerful. HOpefully I get some time for this next week.

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    Matt Omond

    Hey Frank

    Not getting an error at all. It will just load what ever eye you are viewing at the time. Yes we are using the default rv_this.py



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    Frank Rueter

    ok, I will have a peek next week and see if I can update the rv_this.py to do something sensible with a stereo stream from Nuke.

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    Alan Trombla

    Thanks, Frank!

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    Matt Omond

    That would be great Frank. We have a had a bit of a crack at it here but with no joy.

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    Frank Rueter

    Actually, there seem to be a couple of issues here (one of which might be my lack o understanding):

    Stereo exrs do seem to come in properly by default but the stereo menu is inactive (bug?), so all you can do it use "Image/Select Image View(s)..." and type in the name of the view you want to look at (i.e. "right").

    With multiple images (such as you get form nuke when you flip anything other than a Read or Write node, the %V in the file name which is a placeholder for the view name, doesn't seem to get resolved properly. I'm getting this error in RV:

    <!--StartFragment-->   No files in sequence /var/tmp/nuke-u501/nuke_tmp_flip.1-1%04d.%V.rgb (0) 


    So the rv_this.py needs to react to this case and build a different command line syntax instead of just sending %V as part of the file name (would be nice if that worked though).


    I can have a look at the latter, but Alan and Co. will have to look at the former (enabling the stereo menu for stereo exrs).

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    Frank Rueter

    aarrgh, ignore me. was looking at the wrong menu. So resetting this thread:

    when I load a stereo exr into RV (by flipping a Read or Write node, I do get the correct views which I can see by going to View/Stereo/Side by Side (or any other display mode). Matt, does this work for you?

    When flipping an arbitrary node which causes Nuke to pre-render two rgb sequences with the view name backed in, then I only get the left view in RV.

    Matt, can you confirm that that is what your problem is as well?


    Sorry for the confusion. I should RTFM once in a while.


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    Matt Omond

    Yep that sound correct Frank.

    We unfortunately are not using stereo EXRs we are using split read and write nodes with DPXs.

    with under score file names _SR & _SL.

    I hope this makes sense.


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    Frank Rueter

    here is something I roughed together last night. I'm sure it needs tuning but it seems to work ok for me (launching stereo side by side if views exist).

    I'm on osx so it would be great for someone to test it on linux and windows (especially the latter) to see if the file paths are working.

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    Matt Omond

    Yep that works on OSX and Windows 7 64bit

    We are going to give a go at getting that to work with left and right images. as in to DPXs

    Thanks Frank

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    Frank Rueter

    how do you mean? If you load your separate dpx files and use the JoinViews node (or use the %V placeholder in your Read node) to combine, then flipping the node that carries both views should work. 

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    Matt Omond

    We are not using %V  we are using real paths so file names with _SR and SL in them.

    It doesn't work for that. I can flip from anywhere in the script and it works a treat but not a read or write node.

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    Frank Rueter

    Does it work if you flip a JoinViews node that combines both?

    What would your preferred workflow be to flip your setups?

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    Matt Omond

    If I add a Join View it has to render a preview first before opening RV. I like to be able to select a read node and load it into RV to preview what is needed and like wise if I have rendered a shot I will select the write node on open it in RV and of coarse it is smart enough to know there is a rendered file so it just opens it up in RV without having to render tmp preview file. I hope this make sense! I know the limitation is that we are not using %V but it works better for or pipe not to.



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    Frank Rueter

    fair enough. so would you want to select two Read/Write nodes and parse their file names for "SR" and "SL", then auto load those as stereo channel in RV?

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    Matt Omond

    Nearly. We are using one Read and write node, But splitting the file parameter. for example when in the left view the read node will have ####/###/093_011_E01_SL.%04d.dpx and when in the right view ####/###/093_011_E01_SR.%04d.dpx .

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    Frank Rueter

    I see. Out of interest (sorry for the OT): what's the difference in workflow between this and the %V approach (and the views in NUke named "SL" and "SR" instead of the default "left" and "right")?

    If you bypass the global naming for the views, you'd have to string parse the file knob's values and find the difference which would tell you the views names. This all seems overly complicated given Nuke's native stereo setup, but maybe I'm missing something?


    I'm happy to extend the rv_this.py to accommodate this case, just want to be sure I'm doing the right thing.

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    Matt Omond

    We are not altering any of the views within nuke, they have remained at left and right. It is only the file names we have changed. We started with %v but found it annoying when we wanted to go back into nukes file browser as it did not have a path to go to. For example if we wanted to go up a version on a render manually by clicking on the file in node, it wouldn't got anywhere. I don't think I have explained that very well sorry. WE are happy to try and mod the script this end. You have help out a lot by getting it this far.


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    Seth Rosenthal

    Hey Matt, Frank (and anyone else following),

    It's great to see RV users working together like this. This seemed like a good point to jump back in and say that  Tweak does intend to develop much closer integration with Nuke. It's on our roadmap and we will be chipping away at it (with lots of user input, hopefully). It is not something that we expect users to be responsible for. But in the immediate term we have our hands full with getting RV 3.10 out the door so we can't do much about this ourselves right away.



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    Frank Rueter

    Matt, I see, that makes sense (hope the file browser fill get fixed soon for that). I might play with it a bit more when I get some more time as I'd be keen to have a more water tight rv_this.py up on nukepedia.com for everyone to access so we don't all have to solve the same problem.


    Thanks for the heads up Seth, very much looking forward to a tighter Nuke integration!

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    Matt Omond

    Thanks Frank

    Love nukepedia.com by the way.



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