RVIO and packages

Is it possible for RVIO to load packages?

I'm specifically looking to load the os_dependent_path_conversion_mode package so rvio can use the same session files across platforms.

Currently RV cannot export a movie from a session which depends on this package. (tested with 3.10.2 on OSX and Linux).

I found the rviorc.mu file but this seems only to be loaded after it has loaded and evaluated the session file.


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    Jim Hourihan

    Jimmy, do you mean that the session file is using the PATHSWAP variables or that it contains single images which you want converted into sequences?



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    Jimmy Christensen

    I'll elaborate a bit.

    It's from our "pipeline management system" which outputs a session file which has collected alot of sequences together (latest versions). Most users are on windows, some OSX and I'm on Linux :) The paths are in Windows path format, eg. //servername/sharename/project/sequence_v002.####.jpg. We were then planning to use the 'os_dependent_path_conversion_mode' package to convert the paths according to which OS people were running. It works when opening the file in normal RV, but when RV sends it to RVIO it sends a session file with the original paths and not the converted paths.

    If there is another way around this it would be great. Currenty I have to output a specific file per OS, but this will still be problematic if I open up a session file on OSX, but want to send it to encoding on a seperate Windows system (through a render manager)

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    Alan Trombla

    Hi Jimmy,

    I think there might be three different issues here (congratulations !):

    #1 Can RVIO load packages  It can't at the moment, though it can use Mu code like RV.  The main issue is that RVIO is strucuturally a bit different from RV so the 'pattern' of execution that your Mu code sees is different.  In particular, some code will run after the session has been fully constructed, so that your code needs to examine the whole session and change what it wants, instead of changing things along the way as a result of handling events.   This is something we'll look into further.

    #2 The OS-dependent path conversion package doesn't work with Export  It should.  The path conversion happens while the source is being loaded into RV, so if the path is altered at that point it's only the altered path that is ever seen by the session.  In particular, a session file written out of RV (either just to save a session or to feed RVIO during an export) will have the altered paths in it, not the originals.  I just confirmed this with 3.10.2 on mac32.  So something is weird if you're seeing different behavior.  Could you please try saving a session "by hand" (with File->SaveSessionAs...) and checking it to see what paths it contains ?

    #3 Using RV_PATHSWAP variables might be a better solution  If you're comfortable setting up environment variables on all your platforms, I think RV_PATHSWAP variables might be an easier way to go.  They are described in this Forum post (which I just wrote ;-).

    Hope that helps!


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    Jimmy Christensen

    I just cheched with File->SaveSessionAs... and it still contains the original paths and not the converted path. Test on Linux64 RV 3.10.2.

    Will submit it as a request and attach both files to that,

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    Alan Trombla

    Forgot to update the thread: we found the bug that caused this (the problem occured only when exporting a session that was previously read from an RV file).  It was fixed in RV 3.10.3; RV 3.10.4 was released today!

    Thanks for the report Jimmy!


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